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Welcome to First Mennonite Church

An Anabaptist Mennonite congregation in Hutchinson, Kansas

Arms Wide Open: To Serve & Be Served

Live Stream Sunday Worship @ 9:30am

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March 30th, 2025

Worship: 9:30am
Sunday School: 11:00am

Everything [in] Between Lost & Found: Parable of the Lost Sheep
Herding sheep is a never-ending task. As soon as one is found, another may go missing. Our lives have a similar ebb and flow—we might feel like we have it all together, or we might be struggling to survive. God promises to be our Shepherd.

Luke 15:1-7

Tonya Ramer Wenger

Our congregation is guided by 3 principles

Deepening our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Spirit

Strengthening relationships with each other, growing strong community

Stretching into the world in service, peacemaking, and mission

This week at FMC

THIS WEEK @ FMC – March 26-April 1, 2025

We believe in a God who loves and tends to us like a gardener. We believe that like the trees, some seasons are for growth, and some seasons are for rest. Some days require pruning, and some require planting. Fortunately, we believe that our green-thumbed God sees us and cultivates the sweetest fruit. So may […]

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First Mennonite Church is a faith community coming from diverse traditions and rooted in Anabaptism.

Our congregation is devoted to worshiping God, welcoming all people to faith in Jesus Christ, discerning the leading of the Holy Spirit, and faithfully following Christ as we respond to one another, to the Hutchinson community, and to the world.

Learn more about us
Three sculptures of people raising their arms
Arms Wide Open: to serve and be served book cover

Centennial History Book

Our new 104 page history book "Arms Wide Open to serve and be served" edited by June Galle Krehbiel is available locally for $25 cash/check or if you are from a distance click on the button below for an option to purchase for $30 (including shipping). Be sure to email us your shipping information if you choose this option.

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