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This week at FMC

THIS WEEK @ FMC – June 12-25, 2024

I don’t often think of love as logical.  At least not in a way that resonates with a typical defition of logical.  Munther Isaac, pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem (in the occupied West Bank where injustice, violence, death and oppression are daily realities), asserts there IS a logic of love that is inherently part of the life of a Christian:  “The Christian response to aggression is not revenge and is not one of neutrality, rather it is to challenge evil and injustice with good. It is choosing to see the image of God in the other, even in our enemy. This logic of love seeks to engage the humanity of the other and transform an enemy into a friend.”

These three short sentences challenge us to courageously engage in some deep inner and outer spiritual work.  Work rooted in God’s kind of love revealed in Jesus that we’ve been exploring this summer in worship in 1 John.  A love we are compelled, as Jesus did, to make concrete and real.

My loved ones, let us devote ourselves to loving one another. Love comes straight from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and truly knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.  Because of this, the love of God is a reality among us: God sent His only Son into the world so that we could find true life through Him. This is the embodiment of true love: not that we have loved God first, but that He loved us and sent His unique Son on a special mission to become an atoning sacrifice for our sins. So, my loved ones, if God loved us so sacrificially, surely we should love one another. No one has ever seen God with human eyes; but if we love one another, God truly lives in us. Consequently God’s love has accomplished its mission among us.  (1 John 4:7-12)

—Pastor Tonya

PLEASE NOTE: Our next THIS WEEK will post on June 25. For the summer we have adopted an every other week schedule.


The link to join is on our website:  Join 5 minutes early for announcements.  The bulletin can be found under the BULLETINS tab on our home page. 

SUNDAY, JUNE 16 – Leaning into the Heat of Summer

FMC is worshiping at Camp Mennoscah. NO SERVICE at FMC’s building at 52 Rambler Road

Using a “Wild Church” worship resource, we’ll reflect on heat, dry times, and the rootedness (and interconnection) sustaining us. “Wild Church” is a name for Christian groups taking worship outside of the building to intentionally reconnect their faith with creation.  “Wild church invites us to read the Bible under the open sky and pay attention to God’s presence with our senses so we can experience wonder and remember that we are part of creation.”   (Leader Magazine Summer 2024 Worship Resources)

Psalm 63:1-3; Jeremiah 17:7-8; John 15:5-17

  • Worship Leader & Children’s Time: Pastor Tonya Ramer Wenger
  • Scripture Reader: Hilda Iwashige
  • Piano: Peggy Stucky
  • Guitar: Shane Miller

SUNDAY, JUNE 23 – GUIDED BY THE SPIRIT (1 John series #4)

Centered on Jesus Christ, we are guided by the Spirit as it points to Christ and his way of grace and truth.

1 John 3:19 – 4:6; John 15:1-7

  • Preacher: Pastor Tonya Ramer Wenger
  • Worship Leader: Carol Moore
  • Song Leader: TBA
  • Children’s Time: TBA
  • Scripture Reader: Shane Miller
  • Pianist: Shelley Kauffman
  • Ushers: Dennis & Jennalee Boggs
  • Nursery Attendant: Joel & Hilda Iwashige
  • Sound Tech: Murray Reimer
  • Live Stream Tech: Jonathan Wenger


During each worship service, you are invited to text your prayer joys and concerns – usually to Pastor Tonya.  You are also invited to send prayer joys & concerns during the week. The recording of our worship service is public, so let us know if you’d prefer your request to only be shared via email during the week.  


Announcements are scrolled Sunday mornings before and after worship.  There will be no spoken announcements unless there are pressing announcements that did not make it into the PowerPoint. Please send any announcements you’d like to have included to the church office by Thursday each week. 


We welcome, and are grateful for, your financial donations to our ministry here in Hutchinson.  Instead of collecting an offering during worship (except on special occasions), an offering box is placed at the back of the sanctuary for your Sunday morning donations.  You can also now make a donation directly from our website ( using a credit card or your banking account.  You are also welcome to send a check to 52 Rambler Rd Hutchinson KS 67502. 


  • June 15-16 – FMC’s Camp Mennoscah Weekend – Sunday Worship @ Camp (no livestream)
  • June 30 – Potluck after Worship (no Sunday School) – bring a dish to share + your own table service

REMINDER:  If you are last one out of the church building, be SURE the doors lock behind you.


Our congregation is allowed five delegates to the annual assembly. If you are interested in serving as a delegate, please speak to Pastor Tonya or let the church office know as soon as possible. This year’s event will be hosted by First Mennonite Church, Beatrice, NE. The theme is, “In Community We Transform” (Romans 12). Dates are August 2-4.

DEEPENING in Christ…


A Prayer group meets Thursday mornings from 10-11am in the Prayer Room.  All are welcome. 

A small ecumenical Centering Prayer group meets on Thursdays (in person @ FMC) from 12:30-1:30pm.  If you’d like to learn more, contact Pastor Tonya.    

LPC: Listening-Prayer-Conversation Groups

These groups meet for an hour once/month in the Common Grounds room and are facilitated by Pastor Tonya.  The format allows for time in prayer by yourself and also with the group.  Any are welcome to join, or to just come and check it out! It’s also possible to join on Zoom if you prefer.

  • The Tuesday group next meeting Tuesday July 9 at 1:00pm
  • The Wednesday evening group next meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, June 12


Summer Sunday School will be offered twice a month during the summer months, following this schedule:

  • June 23
  • July 7 and 21
  • August 4 and 18

Classes will be offered for preschool-3rd grade, 4th-7th grade, 8th-12th grade.  The younger groups will be

using the Shine curriculum that follows the Peace With Creation Peace Path in The Peace Table (Bible Story book).  Additionally, Circle of Grace curriculum will be covered with each class, led by Tanya Martin Nisly and Jonathan Wenger. 

  • Preschool-3rd grade – meet in the basement classrooms
  • 4th-7th grade – meet upstairs in Jr Youth room
  • 8th-12th grade meet upstairs in Sr Youth room

The Adult Discussion Class will meet June 23 and then take a break for the rest of the summer.

The Adult Class using the Salt & Light study curriculum will be taking a hiatus during the summer.       


You have heard it said, “You shall love your God and love your neighbor as yourself.” Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? 1 John reminds us that it is that simple and that messy when we try to practice Jesus’ summary of the commandments. We will spend time in 1 John in the simplicity and the mess.  This series began May 26 and will end July 7 (with a break for Camp Mennoscah Sunday on June 16). 

Following the 1 John series we’ll begin a series called “Quest: The Awakened Traveler”, adapted and expanded from a resource created by Worship Design Studio.  These scriptures/themes will invite reflection and storytelling around travels (physical, spiritual, etc.) we have taken.  This series will take us through the first Sunday of September.


Our summer “Quest” worship series explores the following movements present in most journeys: leaving home, the encounter, the reflection, and returning home.

  • “Leaving Home” : when we need to leave the familiar in order to grow and thrive  (7/21 and 7/28)
  • “The Encounter” : the experience of being open to new people, relationships, ideas and cultures  (8/4 and 8/11)
  • “The Reflection” … the inner work we do when we bump up against disorienting differences (8/18)
  • “Returning Home” … when we travel far away from the familiar, we return changed, and find the familiar holds more than we had noticed before. (8/25 and 9/2)

Do you have a short story (5 minutes or less!) you’d like to share with the congregation about some aspect of a journey you have undertaken in your life? It could be a trip to a new place, a new job, a change in your thinking, etc. Please let Pastor Tonya know ASAP so she can get you on the calendar to share your story during a worship service.

UPPER ROOM and REJOICE! devotional magazines

  • UPPER ROOM – May through June – is available above the mailboxes.
  • Rejoice! – June through August – is now available above the mailboxes.

STRENGTHENING Community Connections…


  • Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm
  • Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm (No office hours Wednesday, June 26.)


Office hours:

  • Monday: Day Off
  • Tuesday-Friday: generally working 8:00am-5:30pm 
  • “In Office” Hours:  9-2 Tuesday and Thursday; 10-1 on Wednesday
  • Available other times by appointment.
  • Available evenings and weekends (cell phone is most reliable)

Upcoming “Day Apart with God” dates (for silence, reading, prayer & journaling – will NOT be checking email or responding to texts/calls (except for emergencies). Pastor Tonya’s next day apart is June 26.

Pastor Tonya’s Sabbatical dates (spread out between summer 2023-summer 2025)

Pastor Tonya has joined a study program called, “Transforming Community.” Retreats take place in Chicago. Her next scheduled retreat is June 30-July 2. She will be away June 30 – July 4.

An extended sabbatical time away is planned for July 23-August 9.



  • 4:00pm  Arrive at camp (or anytime after 4)
  • 5:30pm  Dinner coordinated with those who sign up to attend
  • 7:00-8:00pm Swimming pool open

Additional activities available: walking trails, canoeing, river play (bring separate clothes/shoes for the river), frisbee golf, conversation.  Bring games and snacks to share.  Sleep in cabins (no electricity) or your own tent; bathhouses close by. Bring your own bedding, flashlights, bug spray, etc. 


Those who stay overnight will coordinate a shared breakfast.

  • 10:00am          WORSHIP (using Wild Church Resources: worshipping not just in creation, but with creation)
  • 11:15-12:15     SWIMMING or fellowship time!
  • 12:30pm          LUNCH (main dish provided, bring a side dish to share)
  • 1:30pm            CLEAN UP and DEPART BY 2:00pm

*Call Pastor Tonya if you want to place a late registration to participate in any portion of the weekend.  If you need transportation for Sunday morning or would be able to provide transportation, please call the church office


The fund we use to provide internal congregational support to individuals or families during times of crisis has been depleted.  If you are able to make a donation to this fund, please designate your donation as “Congregational Care Fund.”  Thank you!!

NEW SUMMER BOOK STUDY – BEGINS WED JUNE 12 . . it’s not too late to join!!

A new book study is beginning, meeting the second Wednesdays of June, July and August.  The book we’ll be reading and discussing is: Love Without Limits: Jesus’ Radical Vision for Love with No Exceptions by Jacqueline A. Bussie.  Come early for finger-food snacks (bring a snack to share!) at 12:30pm, or join us for the book study at 1:00pm. We meet in the Common Grounds room. All are welcome to participate.  If you need help getting a book, let Pastor Tonya know. A Zoom option is available with advance planning!

ARMS WIDE OPEN – FMC’s history book

The amazing story of First Mennonite Church’s 100 years is told in the history book prepared for our centennial celebration. Copies of the book are available for $25.00 (cash or check). You can also purchase a book online at a price that includes the cost of shipping (click on the “DONATE” button on our website to find this option).   Check with the church office to pick up a book.

STRETCHING to Serve as Christ Served…


June: Crackers

Personal care/hygiene items such as these are appreciated anytime: toilet paper, laundry detergent, bath soap, Kleenex, deodorant, disposable razors, paper towels, shampoo, dish soap, hand/body lotion, toothpaste and toothbrushes.  Travel size – new & unopened – are desirable.


If you are interested in exploring this opportunity to serve as a mentor for a youth at LightHouse, please talk with Pastor Jim.

ANABAPTIST COMMUNITY BIBLE now available for preorders!

Celebrate 500 years of Anabaptism with the Anabaptist Community Bible. This study Bible features commentary from 60 Anabaptist scholars, biblical insights from 16th-century Anabaptists, and marginal notes from nearly 600 study groups from Anabaptists around the globe. Perhaps you will remember that FMC participants in WNAF in spring 2023 engaged with assigned scripture passages and responded to the challenge to provide insights for this new volume. The Anabaptist Community Bible uses the Common English Bible (CEB) translation. The volume is available in leather, soft touch or hard cover binding. Click here and scroll down to view the options and to place an order…


Soft Plastic Recycling is now available at MCC!  We invite you to start a new habit of recycling all soft plastics (plastic bags, bread bags, any plastic packaging that you can stretch) at MCC Central States in North Newton! This is a NEW and ONGOING recycling project. Plastics must be clean, dry and free of food waste. A basket under the table in the foyer is designated to receive your recyclables. You may also bring your soft plastic recycling to MCC any time, placing them in the marked bin outside the warehouse.  Once at MCC, the plastic is baled into 1000 pound bales. These bales are then sold to the TREX company. They melt down the plastic and use it in making their deck boards. Questions, please contact

MCC’s Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP) home repair program is seeking summer staff in Kimball, West Virginia or Elkhorn City, Kentucky. These three-month positions for Job Site Coordinators and Meals Coordinators will allow you to explore new cultures, develop skills, build friendships and live out your faith. Applicants should be at least 19 years old, but the roles are not limited to young adults. An hourly wage plus room and board are provided. Visit or Or contact the MCC Appalachia SWAP office at (606) 634-4418 or


SOOP has flexible service terms at 60 locations for individuals ages 25+ and families of all ages. Share your skills doing home repair, cooking, tutoring, and gardening. Lead tours, host guests at a retreat center or a summer camp – there is so much to do! Stay for a week or stay for a month, bring your family or come alone. SOOP has diverse and rewarding experiences for everyone. Here is more information:

CAMP MENNOSCAH announcements

Scholarship funds are needed for summer youth camps.  Just as facilities are an important part of Camp Mennoscah’s ministry, so are campers.  There are campers who are unable to come to camp without assistance.  Give to the Scholarship Fund or Scholarship Endowment to help more campers learn about Christ while in God’s creation.  Mark your donation with the fund/endowment you prefer.  The Scholarship Endowment will give up to two full scholarships a year, depending on earnings. Contact or 620-297-3290 for more information.

NEW BEGINNINGS needs socks!

New beginnings offers transitional housing, shelter and transitional employment services for folks right here in our community. AND New Beginnings needs socks – clean, new socks! Please drop off your donations at 400 West 2nd Avenue, Suite C in Hutchinson.

EVERENCE© resources

Everence® will hold an informative Social Security and retirement incomeworkshop on Tuesday, June 18, starting at 6:30 p.m. Topics will include, Social Security strategies, including when to begin taking benefits, risks that can impact your retirement savings plus strategies to help your income last throughout retirement. There will also be plenty of time for questions. The in-person workshop will be at the Everence office: 3179 N. Main St. Suite 1B, North Newton, KS. Information will be presented by staff from the Everence offices in Central Kansas. To register contact Everence at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or

Teaching children faith and finance: Teaching lessons of stewardship can start young and in the home! Everence and Financial Choice are here to provide resources and encouragement on your parenting journey. Read more here.


Save the Date! Western District Women in Mission’s annual Women’s & Girls’ Retreat will be Saturday/Sunday September 7-8 at Camp Mennoscah. The keynote speaker will be Kristine Regehr on the topic of Peaceful Practices. More information and registration info will follow in July. Activities will be available for girls age 5th grade – high school and women of all ages! Come for a time of relaxation, peace, and friendship! Questions? Email


150th Swiss Volhynian Celebration August 23-25, 2024 . . . Schedule of events and registration information is on the website for this Moundridge area event. Register now and sign up for the ethnic meal and indicate choices for the nine seminars.