Jim Unruh
Jim joined the staff of First Mennonite Church in May 2020 as Minister of Community Outreach. JIm and his wife Heidi have lived in Hutchinson since 2002 and are raising four kids. He additionally serves in various chaplaincy positions. Past ministry roles have included pastoring a church (Faith Mennonite) and working with Circles of Hope.
Jim’s sense of calling includes walking with people to create learning, growing, supportive, and loving communities, where people who have experienced separation can come together in a new way for “life in abundance” (John 10:10).
Jim is a graduate of Palmer Seminary (formerly Eastern Baptist Seminary) in the Philadelphia area. He is a licensed trainer in Bridges Out of Poverty and has led many presentations and dialogues on issues of poverty, trauma and empowering connections. He has been trained at the Kansas Leadership Center.
He loves coffee, conversation (especially religion and politics) and escape therapy with the Royals, Chiefs, and other sports.