First Mennonite is living into a new church structure, as described below. The structure is based on our shared priorities: DEEPENING, STRENGTHENING, AND STRETCHING. The desire is to provide flexible and creative ways for each member and participant at FMC to to discover and share their gifts within and beyond our congregation.
Faith Formation Coordination Team
DEEPENING our relationship with God, Jesus & Holy Spirit.
Maggie Pounds (facilitator), Lona Willems, Joel Iwashige
Faithful Community Coordination Team
STRENGTHENING caring & trusting relationships, leadership, and hospitality.
Joretta Martens (facilitator), Mary Wade, Hilda Iwashige
Faithful Service & Outreach Coordination Team
STRETCHING into the world through mission, service, and peacemaking.
Jim Unruh (facilitator), Elsie Wickliffe, Diane Ziemer
Faithful Stewardship Coordination Team
Faithfully tending to our shared resources
Allen Yoder (facilitator), Jay Gehring, Dohn Fast
Congregational Ministry Team
Faithfully tending to the overall ministry, vision and health of the congregation
Jennalee Boggs (chair), Delon Martens (chair-elect), Todd Esau (member at large), Pauline Buller (member at large), Stephanie Gehring (member at large), Pastor Tonya Ramer Wenger, Pastor Jim Unruh. Mike Dirks (treasurer/consultant).