Sunday Mornings
- 9:25AM Announcements on the screen
- 9:30AM Worship
- 10:30AM Fellowship and conversation
- 11:00am Christian Education for all ages
September – May @ 11:00am on Sundays
- Anabaptist Bible Study, Salt & Light
- Discussion Group (in person and on Zoom)
- Connection & Conversation
Youth & Children:
September – May @ 11:00am on Sundays
- Senior Youth
- Junior Youth
- Kindergarten – 6th Grade
- Pre-School
Summer Sunday School schedule:
A combined preschool-6th grade class meets at 11:00am on the first and third Sundays of June, July and August.
Fall 2024 WNAF (Wednesday Nights at First)
Mennonite Central Committee ministries around the world
Join us for a 6-session Wednesday evening series beginning Oct 16 and ending Nov 20!!
Evening Schedule:
- 5:30-6:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsals (beginning in November)
- 6:00-7:00pm Dinner served (donations welcome to cover cost of the food)
- 7:00-8:00 Program (contact church office for the Zoom link to join the adult program)
CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES: provided for preschool-grade school children during the adult program, in the Common Grounds room.
- October 16–Michelle Armster, Executive Director, Central States MCC, will provide an overview of MCC through stories/examples about sharing God’s love and compassion through relief, development and peacebuilding.
- October 23–Adrienne Derstine and Adam Butler will share of their MCC work in Burundi
- October 30–Field Trip to the MCC Center in North Newton (intergenerational)
- November 6–Maynard Knepp, Director of Donor Relations, MCC Central States, will share stories about the mission and work of MCC partners
- November 13–Delon & Joretta Martens will share of their MCC Learning Tour experience to Bolivia
- November 20–Delon & Joretta Martens will share of their MCC Learning Tour experience to Zambia and Malawi
Study Groups
Our fall book study group will meet Wednesdays at 1:00pm to read and discuss, The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life, by Michael Wear. This 8-week study begins September 25.