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This week at FMC

March 16-22, 2022

Table of Contents

“What does it mean to be people of peace in these times?” This is the question beginning a recent Facebook post from Mennonite Central Committee, and one I am asking myself often.  It’s also the question the FMC high school seniors have sought to answer in their peace essays – essays I am really appreciating revisiting this year.  As we live with this question today, I offer the rest of MCC’s post for your consideration in these difficult and disturbing times:

“It is challenging to watch people directly impacted by war in Ukraine and many other places like Colombia, Syria, Afghanistan and Ethiopia. Amid the devastation of war, how do we respond in a way that reflects Anabaptist values?

At MCC, our vision is to see communities in right relationship with God, one another and creation. This is a call to peace and active nonviolence based on our faith. Christian peacemaking starts with the belief that God has made peace with us through the gift of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Peacemaking is a response to Jesus’s gift of grace and peace. We all continue to sin. All of us are complicit in systems of violence and oppression. We constantly fall short in proclaiming and living out Christ’s peace. God’s grace, however, empowers us to follow Christ as active peacemakers in a spirit of humility. (You can read more about our peace position in our publication, “Pursuing Peace: The Essence of Mennonite Central Committee.”

For MCC, peace is more than a wish, it’s our work. We do this by partnering with grassroots and faith-based organizations and churches that actively work for peace and nonviolence, and with your support. We witness the power of people coming together with hope to respond to impossible situations and ensure the human dignity of all. We walk alongside communities in processes of conflict transformation and reconciliation. We experience the spaces of creativity and imagination that are opened when violence is not seen as an option.

From these relationships, we have learned that peacemakers have many tools they can use to create positive change. Gathering together in prayer and worship is a powerful response. Diplomacy, dialogue, disarmament, development, conflict resolution, peace education, active nonviolence and strategic peacebuilding are only a few other nonviolent approaches available to prevent war and to work for peace during war. A refusal to be enemies is a powerful way to reduce the harm of violence and build positive peace.

One way we engage in peacebuilding at MCC is through conversations with our governments. In response to the conflict in Ukraine, we ask the Canadian and United States governments to continue considering approaches that do not rely on military intervention or military support. We ask our governments to be global leaders in promoting the use of nonviolent tools such as diplomacy, disarmament, dialogue, the use of international law and support for grassroots peacemakers. We caution against the selling and providing of weapons or direct participation in military missions. We believe nonviolent leadership for peaceful resolution is a way that our countries can make a positive difference.

A focus on trauma healing and assistance to meet basic needs will continue to be urgently needed. We ask our governments to provide support for the most vulnerable, including Russians who are also deeply impacted by this conflict. We encourage careful deliberation around the possible unintended negative consequences of broad sanctions.

Christ invites us to step into the pain and suffering of others. The skills and tools we take into these encounters and learn along the way include: the ability to listen with care and patience, to mediate and resolve conflicts, to analyze political and historical realities, to seek out voices unheard, to support community-based actions, to be courageous allies, to imagine and create options and alternatives and to embody hope. We invite you to join us as we walk this path, together with all those impacted by wars and conflict.”

Rick Cober Bauman (Executive Director, MCC Canada)

Ann Graber Hershberger  (Executive Director, MCC U.S.)

To view MCC’s call for peace on our website. please visit or

And, note the announcement below in the STRETCHING section of this newsletter about the March 16 Virtual Visit – War and Peace: MCC’s peacebuilding work and response to conflict.

      —-Pastor Tonya


SUNDAY MORNING Worship In Person & Live Stream @ 9:30am

The link for Sunday morning worship (as well as archives of past worship services) is found on our website:! Join at 9:25am to see the announcements! 


The CDC’s new guidelines have designated areas into high, medium and low levels of COVID-19.  Reno County falls into the low level.  This means wearing a mask in public is no longer considered essential.  With these updated CDC guidelines, CMT believes that it is an individual choice whether to mask or not to mask while in the church building.  Let us continue to be respectful of those who are immunocompromised or unable to be vaccinated by social distancing.   Unfortunately, this virus is still hanging around.  If you are feeling ill, please stay home except to obtain medical care.  And at all levels of COVID-19 (high, medium, or low), people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19, should wear a mask.    (from the Congregational Ministry Team)

SUNDAY, MARCH 20:  Third Sunday of Lent 

Disciple Turns Denier: Peter’s Betrayal

John 18:12-27; Psalm 17:1-7

Prayer of the Day: Merciful God, your closest friend turned his back on you, causing the searing pain that betrayal leaves in its wake. When we experience the turning of friendships, hold us up, and help us to trust in the power of your healing grace. Amen.

  • Preacher: Tonya Ramer Wenger
  • Worship Leader:  Carol Moore
  • Children’s Time: TBA
  • Scripture Reader: Julie Esau
  • Organist:  Pauline Buller
  • Ushers:  Russ Wedel & Diane Ziemer
  • Nursery attendant:  Stephanie Gehring
  • Sound Tech:  Earl Ediger & Allen Yoder
  • Live Stream Tech:  Jay Gehring

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES MEET @ 10:45am – EXCEPT ON 5TH SUNDAYS when there is no Sunday School!!


During each worship service, you are invited to text your prayer joys and concerns – usually to Pastor Tonya.  You are also welcome to send prayer joys & concerns during the week.  The recording of our worship service is public, so let us know if you’d prefer your request to only be shared via email during the week.


Announcements are scrolled Sunday mornings before (beginning around 9:25) and after the worship service.  There will be no spoken announcements unless there are pressing announcements that did not make it into the PowerPoint.  Please send any announcements you’d like to have included by Thursday each week. 


  • March 16 – Centennial Committee meeting @ 4:00pm
  • March 17 – Faithful Community Coordination Team (rescheduled)
  • March 22 – Congregational Ministry Team @ 4:30pm (rescheduled)
  • March 22 – Service & Outreach Coordination Team @ 6:30pm
  • March 23 – Berlin Exodus Wednesday evening event @ 7:00pm
  • March 24 – Faith Formation Coordination Team @ 4:00pm
  • March 26 – FMC serves @ Soup Kitchen (volunteers needed!!)
  • March 30 – Wednesday evening GAME NIGHT for all ages @ 6:30pm
  • April 10 – Palm Sunday and beginning of Holy Week
  • April 17 – EASTER & ALL CHURCH PHOTO taken for the 100th anniversary … plan to attend!!

FMC CENTENNIAL . . . LightHouse Giving Opportunity

The LightHouse addresses the growing need of transitional housing for youths ages 18 to 21 in Hutchinson. The property at 1005 N. Washington Street is currently being renovated into eight one-bedroom apartments. 

Interfaith Housing & Community Services is leading this community project.  Progress is underway thanks to the help of volunteers renovating this building, which was built in 1887.  The Centennial Committee would like for FMC to raise $22,000 by October 2022 to help with these expenses. These dollars will help with construction costs, furnishings for the apartments and ongoing maintenance expenses. 

A big thank you to those of you who have already donated! You can see the progress that has already been made on our LightHouse thermometer in the foyer. Checks may be made out to FMC, with “LightHouse” on the memo line.  Thank you for your support!

DEEPENING in Christ…

LENT 2022 – TURNING (Gospel of John)

“Pouring over the Lenten texts from John’s Gospel, we are dizzied by all of the turning: God turning toward humanity’s pain as Jesus weeps at raw and unbearable grief; Jesus turning the stench of Lazarus’ death into something confusingly hopeful; Jesus turning into a servant, stooping to wash feet, turning clear water

brown with the disciples gathered dust, turning them toward loving and serving their neighbor. Then humanity’s turning away: Peter turning his back on his best friend; Pilate turning and twisting the truth for political gain; The fickle and riled up crowds turning from ‘hosanna’ to ‘crucify.’’ Then the turning of the earth as grave becomes garden, death turns to life, mourning to dancing.   John’s Gospel invites us into a season of intentional turning. Our hearts turn with compassion for those who grieve. Our lives turn toward our neighbor in acts of solidarity and service. Our eyes turn toward the cross and we see Jesus turning the world upside down with love.”  (Worship Well Lent Worship Resources)


Each Sunday in Lent we invite you to bring a specific item for our Sunday morning worship food collection for the Reno County Food Bank.  You are also welcome to drop items off during the week.  Please place your donations in the laundry basket at the back of the sanctuary. 

  • March 20 – Canned fruit
  • March 27 – Canned soup
  • April 3 – Pasta (macaroni, etc.)


  • A Prayer group meets Thursday mornings from 10-11am in the Prayer Room.  All are welcome. 
  • A small ecumenical Centering Prayer group meets on Tuesdays (ZOOM) and Thursdays (in person @ FMC) from 12:30-1:30pm.  If you’d like to learn more, contact Pastor Tonya. 


CHILDREN & YOUTH: Becoming Disciples (SHINE Curriculum from MennoMedia)

  • PreK-Kindergarten (basement, room 3 – or outside)
  • 1st-5th grade (basement, rooms 1-2 – or outside)
  • 6th– 7th grade (all the way upstairs in the Jr Youth room – or outside)
  • 8th -12th grade (all the way upstairs in the Sr Youth room)


Younger Adults Class – meeting in the basement adult Sunday School Room

Adult Bible Study/Discussion – meeting in the basement fellowship hall.  This group is using The Bible Project’s Reflections Bible Study to guide study and conversation, which includes a short video on a Biblical theme, topic, or book.  Check it out here: and feel free to watch the videos during the week if you choose in preparation for shared discussion. 

Adult Bible Study using Salt & Light – meets from 11:00-11:45am in the Prayer Room (right beside the elevator in the basement). 

Reminder: No Sunday School on the 5th Sundays of the month!!

UPPER ROOM and REJOICE! devotional magazines

REJOICE! and UPPER ROOM . . . new issues are available above the mailboxes.  Please let us know if you would like a copy mailed to you. 

STRENGTHENING Community Connections…


Beginning March 23, WNAF is back!  Stay tuned for a decision soon about whether there will be any meals provided! For now, put these dates on your calendar and plan to attend.  If you would be willing to help provide childcare for preschool-5th grade during these events (with the exception of March 30), please talk to Pastor Tonya ASAP.

MARCH 23 @ 7PM: THE BERLIN EXODUS . . . observance of the 75th anniversary of this event

The Berlin Exodus (Berlin Escape) in 1947, is the theme of an evening presentation on Wednesday, March 23, at 7:00pm in our fellowship hall.  This event marks the 75th anniversary of the moving of 1,200 Ukrainian Mennonite refugees located in Berlin through the Russian occupied territory of Berlin and East Germany, to a waiting ship in Bremerhaven, West Germany.  MCC worker, Peter Dyck, orchestrated the escape during the last days of World War II, working with the American military, the Dutch government and the country of Paraguay in this highly secretive venture. Calvin Buller will lead the evening presentation on March 23, which will include the playing of an audio recording with Peter Dyck telling the story in his own words. 

MARCH 30 @ 6:30PM … GAME NIGHT for all ages

Bring your favorite board or card games, or even a puzzle, to play with friends at First Mennonite!


Pastor Tonya and Pauline Buller will give some overall context and background about the upcoming special delegate session of Mennonite Church USA at the end of May.  We’ll also discuss 2 of the 4 resolutions: (1) Accessibility and (2) Justice in the U.S. Criminal Legal Systems (a study resolution, not for a vote).  Click on the links below to read the resolutions or request a hard copy from the church office.  You are also encouraged to listen to the webinar provided by MC USA to learn more about each of the resolutions.  Click on the webinar link below for each resolution.

MC-USA Accessibility Resolution         

MC-USA For Justice Resolution


Pastor Tonya and Pauline Buller will lead a conversation about remaining 2 resolutions coming to delegates at the special MC USA Delegate Session at the end of May: (1) Clarification on MC USA Polity and Role of Membership Guidelines in MC USA and (2) A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation regarding violence done against LGBTQI+ persons.  The first one is a resolution coming for a vote.  The second will first come to the delegates for a vote to determine if this resolution will be discussed and voted on at the special delegate session.

EB Resolution Membership Guidelines 2021

A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation


Plan to attend our Easter worship service on Sunday April 17, which will include taking an all-church photo.  We plan to have a photographer join us to take this ‘snapshot’ of history in our 100th year!


Beginning mid-August 2022 Micah Wenger will be participating in Mennonite Mission Network’s Service Adventure program in Colorado Springs, CO.  Service Adventure is a 10 ½ month voluntary service program for youth ages 17-20.  Participants live together in community with up to five other young adults, placed in local community agencies for 35-40 hours per week, and become involved in the ministry of their hosting congregation, all under the guidance of a unit leader. The unit leader serves as a non-traditional pastor who mentors young adults in the unit.  First Mennonite will be forming an Advocacy Team to help support Micah during his term.  Part of our support as a congregation is also to contribute $400/month (of a total of $4000) toward the cost of participation in the program.  If you would like to contribute you can make a donation to the church with “Micah Wenger – SA” in the memo line, or donate at Micah’s personal fundraising page online:  Thank you!!!

ADDRESS, PHONE, EMAIL, BIRTHS and DEATHS . . . the church office needs updates for you and for your children!!

Please send us changes as soon as possible.  A new directory will be printed soon.

BEAUTIFUL SALT CITY PODCAST                                      

A future story tells us what we want (vision), why we want it (values), and how we will create it (resources). Our own Pastor Jim Unruh talks with people in our community to learn their life stories and to dream together for a future story for our beautiful salt city.  Find it here:  While new episodes are not being added right now, this is your chance to catch up on previous conversations!


  • Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm  
  • Wednesday 10am-1pm 


  • Monday: Sabbath Day
  • Tuesday-Friday: generally working 9:00am-5:30pm  
  • Office Hours:  9-2 Tuesday and Thursday; 10-1 on Wednesday
  • Available other times by appointment.
  • Available evenings and weekends (cell phone is most reliable)

REMINDER:  If you are last one out of the church building, be SURE the doors lock behind you when you leave.  Go out, watch the doors latch, give both door handles a tug, and make sure they are locked!  Thank you.

STRETCHING to Serve as Christ Served…


Sign up at church or contact the church office if you are able to help with our turn to serve at the Soup Kitchen.  We have enough applesauce but could use lettuce salad donations.  Volunteers are needed to help cook (2:00-3:30pm), cover the delivery routes (4:00pm-done), and serve (4:45-6:00pm).  Thank you!!

RENO COUNTY COTTONWOOD COMPLEX . . . community response

The most tangible way to help the fire victims in our community is through financial gifts.  Checks and/or cash need to be directed to United Way of Reno County, note VOAD Fire Fund in the memo.  Funds and/or gift cards can be dropped off or mailed to: United Way of Reno County, 924 North Main, Hutchinson, KS 67501
Donations can also be made online at:  United Way of Reno County |

“Blessed to Bless” . . . a community event planned for Sunday, March 27 at 6:00pm, at The Father’s House, is an opportunity to learn more about the fire disaster, provide tangible ways to help the victims, and to offer prayer and support to these persons and our community.  Adam Weishaar, Director of Emergency Mgt Services; and Lisa Gleason, Executive Director of United Way/Reno County VOAD, will be featured speakers at the event along with several local clergy persons. All are welcome to attend.  The Father’s House is located at 1505 E. 20th Avenue.


Currently clean up response is on hold due to hotspots in the fire area. Kansas MDS Unit is planning a response. We would like to assess available equipment that volunteers would be willing to bring for cleanup. If you have a high loader, bobcat, backhoe, dump truck please indicate your availability for using this on this project by emailing or calling Cleo Koop at or 316-282-0797. As soon as there is clearance for cleanup, information will be sent out inviting volunteers.

MENNONITE DISASTER SERVICE . . . building cabinets in Goessel

The MDS Kansas Unit has purchased a Cabinet Facility in Goessel, KS. The goal of this purchase is to increase the number of volunteers helping MDS while we build the cabinets for MDS construction projects. Contact Cleo for details on how you can volunteer there.  Contact: Cleo Koop – (316) 282-0797 –


Get ready for the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale, a benefit for Mennonite Central Committee, April 8 & 9 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. What can you bring as your gift to the hungry and hurting at home and abroad? Quality woodwork and needlework items, cotton tea towels, hobby items, crafts, plants and baked foods are much in demand.

Stay up-to-date on all things relating to Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale by liking us on Facebook at Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale or our website at


Jean Gaeddert will again be participating in the MCC Sale Run For Relief. If you are interested in sponsoring her efforts, please send her a check made out to KMRS (Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale/memo: Run for Relief).  Your generous, on-going support is greatly appreciated! Thank you.   You can join the Run for Relief too – it’s a walk, jog, run for all ages & abilities!  Invite others to sponsor your run to raise more for those in need.  Entry form and waiver must be returned by March 18.  Entry form is online at

Pick up pie pans and plastic bags in the foyer and sign up to bring pies, bread and zwiebach to the sale.  If you would like to have someone take them to the sale for you, have them at the church by 9:00am on Friday, April 8.

Bohne berrogie bake day for the MCC sale will be on April 2 at Moundridge High. 

Volunteers are needed to fill the berrogie.  Shifts are at 6:45 and 9:00.  Please wear a head covering.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Marla Gillmore at 620-921-0428 or at  Let’s make this happen for MCC. 

My Coins Count! 

This year our coins support MCC projects that provide clean water and food.  Our coin jar is in the foyer to collect coins for this project.

Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale Quilter’s Corner.  

Quilting donations are welcome and needed, i.e. quilting fabrics, quilting supplies, vintage linens, unfinished quilting projects, etc.  Donations may be collected by Sale liaisons at their churches and brought to Sale meetings or brought directly to the MCC Center with the indication that they are for Quilters’ Corner.  If you have questions contact Ann Yoder Smith, 919-604-3282,

Fellowship Meals . . . prepare a meal for a small group and ask for an MCC donation.

Sharing food and fellowship is a great way to celebrate the work of MCC and to support the ministries around the world.  Choose any date from now till sale weekend – maybe a Sunday after church or an evening with friends you haven’t seen for a while.  Direct questions to Barb at 620-543-6863.  Mail your donations as follows:

MCC Fellowship Meals, Barb BJ Reeves, 121 East 7th, Buhler, KS 67522

KMRS’s purpose is to raise funds for Mennonite Central Committee.

It takes a whole host of individuals playing their part in order that we might carry out the Lord’s bidding to care for the “least of these” found in Matt. 25. We call upon our supporting churches to donate toward the sale budget so that every dollar raised at the sale is donated to MCC. We call upon quilters to complete their quilts and to gather extra supplies to donate to Quilters’ Corner. Consider donating items to the General, Silent and even our Kid’s Auction. During the cool winter months, divide house plants and start vegetable plants to sell at Plants &Things and tea towel sets completed for Kansas Crafts. Challenge yourself to participate in the Run for Relief, a 5K run/walk the Saturday of the sale and spend the winter months gathering your pledges. Go to: or like us on Facebook at Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.

Volunteering for committees or for duties on sale weekend.

There are a variety of committees along with 1000 volunteers needed the weekend of the sale. See your Relief Sale Contact liaison for details on these opportunities or visit the sale website:

By tithing a little bit of your time each year, you have an amazing opportunity to impact your world by furthering the work of Mennonite Central Committee. 

Cash gifts cover event expenses prior to the sale.

Each year, it is the sale board and supporting committees’ goal to raise funds to cover the budget leading up to the sale. The purchasing committee needs cash gifts for 45 items ranging in cost from $350 for butter to $8,800 for building rentals. By meeting the budget prior to the sale, all proceeds sale weekend can be donated to MCC. If you or your Sunday School class can support the sale budget in this way, get in touch with Julie or Todd Esau, your relief sale contact persons, or send contributions to sale treasurer, Jo Kasitz, treasurer, 1715 Casey, Newton, KS 67114.

KANSAS MENNONITE MEN’S CHORUS . . . mark your calendar for these concerts

  • April 24 @ 7:00pm – Bethel College Memorial Hall, North Newton
  • May 1 @7:00pm – Bethany College Presser Hall, Lindsborg

Contribute generously in the freewill offerings to support MCC!

BETHEL COLLEGE announcements

“Painterly Aesthetics: An Expressive Duet,” by Susan and David Harmon, now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College, through April 7 (closing reception April 7). Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Sun., March 20 – Bethel College’s Staley Lecture Series presents Karen González

The lecture will be at 7 p.m., Administration Building chapel. González is the author of The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible and the Journey to Belong (Herald Press, 2019). She will also speak in Bethel College’s convocation on Mon., March 21, 11 a.m., Memorial Hall.

Fri.-Sun., March 25-27 – Spring musical at Bethel College, Bright Star by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell, in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Sunday matinee at 2p.m. Tickets for sale at Thresher Shop in Schultz Student Center, weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (316-284-5205 for credit card orders), online at, or at the door, subject to availability. Adult language and themes – not intended for young audiences. 

CAMP MENNOSCAH announcements

Camp needs to prepare for groups using the dining hall and other main camp buildings this spring. Help is needed to make these spaces welcoming and ready for fellowship. We can work with your schedule, including evening and weekend hours. Tasks include basic cleaning, washing cookware and dishes and moving tables. Contact us at 620-297-3290 or

Other events and happenings: 

  • Camp needs to prepare for groups using the dining hall and other main camp buildings this spring. Help is needed to make these spaces welcoming and ready for fellowship. We can work with your schedule, including evening and weekend hours. Tasks include basic cleaning, washing cookware and dishes and moving tables. Contact us at 620-297-3290 or
  • Youth Volunteer Weekend is April 9-10!  This weekend of service and worship for grades 6-12 returns with vigor.  Start your weekend of fun on Saturday at the MCC Sale in Hutchinson (on your own or with your youth group) and then bring the fun with you to Camp Mennoscah in the afternoon.  Register at!  (Registration is under Summer Camps.)  Keep looking for more information available soon.
  • The dam in the Ninnescah River will be replaced on March 20 beginning at 2pm.  Meet by the shelter/stairs to the dam.  Everyone is invited to help or watch the process.  Some activities are not appropriate for young children.  Kevin Neufeld will organize and direct volunteers.  Questions can be directed to Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290.  
  • Kitchen helpers needed for Summer Youth Camps!  Your time and skill give campers a week of growing in Christian fellowship and experiencing God’s great creation.  Cooks need only willing hands and the ability to follow directions.  Kitchen staff is needed for June 19-23, July 3-9 and July 17-23.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 or
  • Better camp discount ends April 1!  Summer Youth Camp registration is open.  The theme of “What’s in a Name?” focuses on how God knows us beyond any name we may be called.  Don’t fret if you miss getting your registration and full payment in by April 1.  After April 1, you’ll still get a good rate for an amazing week of camp.  Register at!
  • Getting ready for outside fun!  Camp Mennoscah needs to replace some outdoor sports equipment, including inner tubes, 4-square/Gaga balls, frisbees for ultimate, and inner tubes.  Check out the Camp Mennoscah Wish List on or the Wish List.  Challenge your Sunday School class or youth group to help meet camp needs!  We’ve got many more ideas. Contact us by replying to this email.
  • New Volunteer Projects every month!  This month we’ve added cleaning gutters, lubricating locks, and deep-cleaning the oven and hood–plus more! There are volunteer projects for every group size, skill set and length of project.  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.  See the Wish List for other ways to support Camp Mennoscah!
  • The Camp Mennoscah Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Tammy Duvanel Unruh has accepted the position of Development Director.  Tammy is no stranger to Camp Mennoscah; she served as Co-Director for Pre-Junior camps from 1993-2016.  At Mennoscah, and other venues, Tammy has led many youth and women’s programs including planning, organizing, curriculum writing, speaking, music, and dramatic performances, often of her own material.  She has a long history of involvement with youth ministries, serving as Sunday School teacher and in various Youth Ministry/Coordinator positions. As an educator, she has taught in higher education at Hutchinson Community College and Bethel College, as well as High Schools in Moundridge, Newton and Sedgwick. Tammy clearly has a passion for youth, their faith formation, and helping them navigate today’s world.  She embraces all aspects of the camping experience and will bring her gifts of communication to endorse Camp Mennoscah for all ages, backgrounds, and life situations.


MCC is accepting donations to support its response to the crisis in Ukraine. We will be focused on building up existing programs that support vulnerable people and extending those services to internally displaced populations.  MCC’s response will likely include psychosocial support and trauma healing, temporary emergency housing, emergency distributions of locally purchased emergency supplies such as blankets, and distribution of food packages.  Donate today at

Virtual Visit – War and Peace: MCC’s peacebuilding work and response to conflict: In this special live session, MCC staff and alumni will share stories about what peacebuilding work looks like in the midst of conflict in Ukraine, Colombia and DPRK (North Korea). They’ll explore questions like: What does peace look like in the middle of war? And, how do we embody a peace perspective? Join the live virtual visit on Wednesday, March 16 at 7 p.m. CST / 6 p.m. MST. For more information and to register for the event, visit

EVERENCE announcement

“After We’re Gone: Disabilities and Estate Planning” webinar: Caring for someone who is dependent due to a significant disability is a major responsibility. Making provisions for that person’s physical, emotional and financial well-being after the death of a parent or caregiver can be complex and confusing. Anabaptist Disabilities Network is partnering with Everence to host a webinar about estate planning for families with a dependent disabled family member. “After We’re Gone: Disabilities and Estate Planning” will take place Thursday, March 31 at 1 and 7 p.m. Central Time. For more information and to register, go to:’re-Gone.aspx.