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This week at FMC

THIS WEEK @ FMC – March 4-18, 2025

Table of Contents

When it feels like the ground is shifting under our feet it’s a good time to pause and sink our roots deeper into the One whose steadfast love we believe is more powerful than any other force, including death. 

Recently, on the podcast Everything Belongs (with Richard Rohr), James Finley was asked “How do we live in solidarity with our global neighbors without becoming so overwhelmed we become numb?”  His response included, in part, the encouragement of a practice of being grounded: grounded in the root sense of ourselves in God in prayer and grounded with people in our lives who we love and who love us.  From this place of being ‘re-grounded’ we can return to that hurting place again. It’s the rootedness that helps us to feel the suffering and pain of our neighbors without becoming numb.  He claims, and I would agree, that our rather ‘hidden life’ of surrendering to God in prayer somehow touches the world.  In this we find hope that our commitment to aligning ourselves with God/Jesus/Spirit in prayer and through the action that grows out of our prayer does indeed make a difference, and it is one very concrete thing we can do in a time when we may feel helpless.

On a different podcast, this one produced by Kate Bowler (Everything Happens), she interviewed the outgoing US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy. Dr. Murthy recently released his “Parting Prescription for America” in which he urged Americans to prioritize community, service, and purpose to improve their health and well-being.  This also is very good advice for these days we are living in.

The themes from these two podcasts resonate for me with the direction we are taking for our spring Wednesday Nights at First (WNAF) sessions.  These evenings are an opportunity to gather in community during adult choir rehearsal (5:30-6:30pm), over a meal (6-7pm), and around tables (7-8pm) as we listen and learn from each other and God’s word to us in scripture. During the 7-8pm program, Peggy Stucky will nurture our children in the children’s choir. And, I’m looking for volunteers for nursery care during the program! Hopefully, this will be a time to re-ground us in God and in relationships so we are strengthened to lean for a time into the needs in our world without becoming too overwhelmed or numb.  I will also be praying for the Spirit to give us greater clarity about our unique purpose as a church, here and now, and into the future. 

The first Wednesday (March 12) Jon and Martha Miller will share about their recent medical mission trip. The remaining 4 Wednesdays (March 19-April 9) Pastor Jim and I will be leading Bible Study focused on how we see Jesus’ mission statement in Luke 4 lived out in his ministry as recorded in the Gospel of Luke.  Each night we’ll focus on one verb from his mission statement (anoint, proclaim, release & recovery, liberate) and discuss stories in Luke where we see these verbs put into action.  We’ll be using the Bible Study process recommended in the back of the Anabaptist Community Bible. We’re looking forward to listening to scripture together with you, opening ourselves to discernment about what these verbs mean for us today.

—Pastor Tonya

NOTE: Our next THIS WEEK will post on March 18.

NOTE: If you would like a printout of your annual giving report from FMC, please let our treasurer, Mike Dirks, know! Please contact him directly. You can reach him at or 620-474-1224. Thank you for your generosity to our shared ministry at FMC!!

NOTE: New 2025 FMC Directories are available in the rack next to the mailboxes.


The link to join is on our website:  Join 5 minutes early for announcements.  The bulletin can be found under the BULLETINS tab on our home page. 

SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2025 – Everything [in] Between Stranger and Neighbor: Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

This parable begins and ends with the question, “Who is my neighbor?” and the answer is, surprisingly, “the stranger.” The Samaritan, whose place of worship and customs are different from the scribe who questions Jesus, is both a stranger and a neighbor to the man who was beaten and left in a ditch. In our world, many of our physical neighbors are strangers to us, and many of our neighbors – those closest to us – feel like strangers in divisive political climates. If we align our intentions and actions, then maybe we need to reconsider who we consider “stranger,” and ask ourselves if we have acted as good neighbors. 

  • Preacher: Jim Unruh
  • Worship Leader: Delon Martens
  • Song Leader: Trae Gehring
  • Children’s Time: Eldon Wagler
  • Scripture Reader: TBD
  • Organist: Pauline Buller
  • Ushers: Diane Ziemer & Shane Miller
  • Nursery Attendant: Stephanie Gehring
  • Sound Tech: Adam Pounds
  • Live Stream Tech: Joel Iwashige

SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2025 – Everything [in] Between Faith and Works: Mary and Martha Host Jesus (Luke 10:38-42)

In many translations, Jesus says that “Mary has chosen the better part,” which has been used to create a divide between Mary and Martha. However, in the Greek, Mary has chosen the “good portion,” and Martha’s tasks are called “ministry.” Therefore, perhaps Mary represents our faith, our desire to know God intimately, and Martha represents our good works, our desire to transform the world. Both are needed, and both are good. 

  • Guest Preacher: Spencer Garrison
  • Worship Leader: Joel Iwashige
  • Song Leader: Jon Miller
  • Children’s Time: Hilda Iwashige
  • Scripture Reader: Randy Rempel
  • Pianist: Peggy Stucky
  • Ushers: Susan Combs & Joretta Martens
  • Nursery Attendant: Fred & Mary Wade
  • Sound Tech: Earl Ediger & Allen Yoder
  • Live Stream Tech: Jay Gehring


During each worship service, you are invited to text your prayer joys and concerns – usually to Pastor Tonya.  You are also invited to send prayer joys & concerns during the week. The recording of our worship service is public, so let us know if you’d prefer your request to only be shared via email during the week.  


Announcements are scrolled Sunday mornings before and after worship.  There will be no spoken announcements unless there are pressing announcements that did not make it into the PowerPoint. Please send any announcements you’d like to have included to the church office by Thursday each week. 


We welcome, and are grateful for, your financial donations to our ministry here in Hutchinson.  Instead of collecting an offering during worship (except on special occasions), an offering box is placed at the back of the sanctuary for your Sunday morning donations.  You can also now make a donation directly from our website ( using a credit card or your banking account.  You are also welcome to send a check to 52 Rambler Rd Hutchinson KS 67502. 


  • March 5 – 5:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal; 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Worship with Community Church of the Brethren (in FMC Fellowship Hall)
  • March 6-8 – Pastor Tonya at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary retreat/training (Goshen IN)
  • March 9 – First Sunday of Lent (Pastor Jim preaching)
  • March 9-12 – Pastor Tonya on sabbatical leave “Transforming Community” retreat (Chicago IL)
  • March 10 – Craft Night, 6:30-8:00pm in the fellowship hall
  • March 12 – First Lenten Lunch (Noon-1pm) – more details below
  • March 12 – First WNAF (Wed Nights at First) Session (with choir rehearsals and dinner!)
  • March 22 – FMC serves at the Soup Kitchen (details below – signup across from the mailboxes)
  • March 25 – Faith Formation Coordination Team meets 5:30pm
  • March 30 – Using our AED (automated external defibrillator) demonstration & practice following worship
  • April 5 – Listening for a Word – Preaching Workshop/Retreat led by Tonya Ramer Wenger & Anita Kehr – open to anyone interested in practicing writing a sermon – more details coming soon!!
  • April 6 – Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus concert – Tabor College, 4:00pm
  • April 11-12 – Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale – state fairgrounds in Hutchinson

REMINDER:  If you are last one out of the church building, be SURE the doors lock behind you.

DEEPENING in Christ…


If you would like to join with others at FMC for prayer, please let the church office know.

A small ecumenical Centering Prayer group meets on TUESDAYS (in person @ FMC) from 11:30-12:30 (note the new date/time).  If you’d like to learn more, contact Pastor Tonya.    

LPC: Listening-Prayer-Conversation Groups

These groups meet for an hour once/month in the Common Grounds room and are facilitated by Pastor Tonya.  The format allows for time in prayer by yourself and also with the group.  Any are welcome to join, or to just come and check it out! It’s also possible to join on Zoom if you prefer.

  • The Tuesday group’s next meeting is Tuesday, March 25 at 1:00pm
  • The Wednesday evening group meets on Tuesday, March 4 at 6:30pm

Prayer Station at the back of the sanctuary … feel free to leave your written prayers and/or to ‘light’ an electric candle to reflect your prayers.  You can visit this station during the week or on Sunday mornings before, during or after the worship service.

SUNDAY SCHOOL – SPRING QUARTER began March 2 for all age groups

Children and Youth:

  • Preschool through 4th grade meet in the basement Sunday School wing.
  • 5th grade-8th grade meet upstairs in the Junior Youth room
  • Senior Youth (9th-12th) meet upstairs in the Youth room


  • Adults will be using the Salt & Light Bible Study on the topic of, “A Church Divided: A Study of 1 Corinthians.” It is an in-depth dive into the life and times of Paul and Jesus followers in Corinth. How does the gospel speak to their congregational conflicts and our challenges? The class meets in fellowship hall with Zoom option available. On March 9 we will study the first lesson.      
  • Connection & Conversation meets in the library. Childcare for infants & toddlers is available in the nursery most Sundays.


Lent begins this year on Wednesday March 5, with an Ash Wednesday service held jointly with the Community Church of the Brethren. We’ll gather in the fellowship hall (and on livestream) at 7pm. 

LENT & EASTER WORSHIP @ FMC:  everything [in] between

Our worship theme, everything [in] between, comes to us from A Sanctified Art ( and is based on the Narrative Lectionary texts in the Gospel of Luke. The series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed.”  In doing so “we might find that God is present in between.”

  • March 5 (Ash Wed) – everything [in] between: intention & action -with Community Church of the Brethren
  • March 9 (Lent 1)  – everything [in] between: stranger & neighbor – Pastor Jim Unruh preaching
  • March 16 (Lent 2) – everything [in] between: faith & works – guest preacher: Spencer Garrison (friend of various FMC members, helps preach and lead music at Iglesia Mennonita Aposento Alto in Wichita KS)
  • March 23 (Lent 3) – everything [in] between: rest & growth – Pastor Tonya preaching
  • March 30 (Lent 4) – everything [in] between: lost & found – Pastor Tonya preaching
  • April 6 (Lent 5) – everything [in] between: righteousness & mercy – Pastor Tonya preaching
  • April 13 (Palm Sunday) – everything [in] between: shouting & silence – Pastor Tonya preaching
  • April 17 (Maundy Thurs) – everything [in] between: power & humility – an evening meal with worship
  • April 18 (Good Friday) – everything [in] between: acceptance & resistance
  • April 20 (Easter) – everything [in] between: grief & hope – Pastor Jim preaching

A set of daily devotional cards based on these worship themes are available for you to use to support your Lenten journey this year.  You can pick up a physical set of cards at church or sign up (email Pastor Tonya) to have them sent to you daily in your email inbox.


  • Art on Exhibit Fridays during Lent, 5:00-6:30pm
  • Grace Episcopal Church (2 Hyde Park Drive)
  • Don’t miss this opportunity to see some wonderful creations including one by our own Hannah Beam.


Pastor Tonya is partnering with pastors at Grace Episcopal, Trinity United Methodist, Emmanuel Lutheran, and First Presbyterian to provide a Lenten Lunch series with the theme “The Wisdom of Lent.” Each lunch will include worship, a short meditation/presentation, and a simple lunch provided by the host church. The location will rotate among the churches/pastors involved. The schedule is below.  If you would be interested in helping prepare and serve lunch on April 2 when we will host at our church, please let Pastor Tonya know!

  • March 12 @ Grace Episcopal
  • March 19 @ Trinity UMC
  • March 26 @ Emmanuel Lutheran
  • April 2 @ First Mennonite
  • April 9 @ First Presbyterian

Anabaptist World Special Edition

 “Anabaptism @ 500” copies are available in the foyer. Please take one and enrich your understanding of Anabaptist history and the contribution of a variety of voices about what makes Anabaptism distinctive in the past as well as right here and now.

UPPER ROOM and REJOICE! devotional magazines  –  new issues beginning with March

  • Rejoice!

STRENGTHENING Community Connections…


  • Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm
  • Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm (no Wednesday office hours on March 12)


Office hours:

  • Monday: Day Off
  • Tuesday-Friday: generally working 8:00am-5:30pm 
  • “In Office” Hours:  9-2 Tuesday and Thursday; 10-1 Wednesday (No office hours March 12.)
  • Available other times by appointment.
  • Available evenings and weekends (cell phone is most reliable)

Pastor Tonya is out of town March 6-11. She will be back in the office on March 13. Please contact Pastor Jim or Delon Martens for pastoral care needs during this time.

Pastor Tonya’s Sabbatical dates (spread out between summer 2023-summer 2025)

Pastor Tonya has joined a study program called, “Transforming Community.” Retreats take place in Chicago. Her next scheduled retreat is March 9-12. Prior to her March retreat, Pastor Tonya will be attending the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary training, “Orienting With the Word,” March 6-8 in Elkhart, IN.  You can learn more about AMBS’s “Orienting With the Word” program HERE!

Upcoming “Day Apart with God” dates (for silence, reading, prayer & journaling – will NOT be checking email or responding to texts/calls (except for emergencies). Next day apart is scheduled for March 26.

SPRING 2025 WNAF (Wednesday Nights at First): March 12-April 9

Our spring WNAF (Wednesday Nights at First) session will begin with a stand alone session on March 12 (Jon & Martha Miller sharing about their recent Medical Mission Trip), followed by 4 Wednesdays of “Reading Scripture Together in the Anabaptist Tradition,” using the Bible Study practice provided in the Anabaptist Community Bible.  Pastor Tonya and Pastor Jim will lead the Bible Study sessions, which will be focused on scriptures in Luke where we see Jesus’ mission statement in Luke 4 lived out.

The evening schedule also includes children and adult choir rehearsals, and a meal. If you could help with nursery care for our littlest ones during the 7-8pm program, please let Pastor Tonya know.

  • 5:30-6:30pm  Adult Choir Rehearsal (beginning MARCH 5)
  • 6:00-7:00pm  Meal (donations welcome to cover cost)
  • 7:00-8:00pm  Program
  • 7:00-8:00pm  Children’s Choir with Peggy Stucky (March 12, 19, 26)


One of the many gifts of joining together for WNAF is the mealtime fellowship and good food. The Faithful Community Coordination Team would like to invite willing persons to cook a meal for one of the five Wednesday gatherings on March 12, 19 or 26, or April 2 or 9. You might want to get together with a friend and do it together. Talk with Joretta Martens for more information or to volunteer.

AED (automated external defibrillator) demonstration . . . March 30 after worship

March 30th there will be a demonstration on how to use the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) that we have housed in our lobby area and an opportunity to practice using this powerful life-saving tool. This intergenerational activity will occur at the front of the sanctuary following the worship service so bring your coffee/juice. You can save a life not only here on our campus but anywhere you may be, whether it is at a sporting event or shopping at Target. Our healthcare team will also be available to do blood pressure checks.


The Congregational Ministry Team (CMT) has approved an increase in FMC’s scholarship amount.  This is made possible by a significant gift to FMC from the Esau family, designated in part to support those attending a Mennonite college or seminary. This change recognizes that college tuition costs have increased substantially over the years, creating financial challenges for those wanting to attend a Mennonite school.  As of January 2025, the scholarship amount available per semester at Mennonite schools is $2500, for a total of $5000/year (up from $750 per semester). This is supplemented by matching funds from the school, based on each school’s policy. The FMC Scholarship Fund will be replenished as needed from the Esau family fund and through congregational fundraisers. An individual from within the congregation to serve as coordinator for this fund will be discerned by CMT, and the scholarship amount will be evaluated over time to ensure faithful stewardship of these resources.

Students requesting scholarship funds from FMC are asked to fill out a brief application each year to update their contact information and status at their college or seminary.  For more information, or to request an application, please contact Delon Martens, CMT (Congregational Ministry Team) Chairperson.


Our Lost & Found Box is overflowing!! If you have left a small item behind, please check the box above the mailboxes. Clothing will be hung on the coat rack by the drinking fountains.

ARMS WIDE OPEN – FMC’s history book

The amazing story of First Mennonite Church’s 100 years is told in the history book prepared for our centennial celebration. Copies of the book are available for $25.00 (cash or check). You can also purchase a book online at a price that includes the cost of shipping (click on the “DONATE” button on our website to find this option).   Check with the church office to pick up a book.

STRETCHING to Serve as Christ Served…


March: Canned Veggies (especially green beans)

Personal care/hygiene items such as these are appreciated anytime: toilet paper, laundry detergent, bath soap, Kleenex, deodorant, disposable razors, paper towels, shampoo, dish soap, hand/body lotion, toothpaste and toothbrushes.  Travel size – new & unopened – are desirable.


On Saturday, March 22, we have another opportunity to serve a hot meal to folks in our community. Jean and Cindy will be preparing the entrée and you are invited to sign up to donate applesauce or to help with meal preparation, serving the meal or driving a delivery route. The signup sheets are on the bulletin board opposite the mailboxes.


  1. Mennonite Friendship Communities is hosting a Memorial Service in the Chapel.  The event takes place on Wednesday, March 19 at 2:00 pm and will be a time to remember and honor those who have passed away in the past year.  All are welcome to attend.  We can use help greeting families, helping serve during the reception, providing cookies and reading during the service.  If you wish to help, please call Suz McIver at 620-899-3870.
  2. Mennonite Friendship Communities is having Spring Cleaning Week!  During the week of March 17-21, we can use volunteers to help with a variety of projects. Everything from moving boxes to storage to washing windows to cleaning.  If you are willing to help, contact Susan Nisly at 620-663-7175 or for more information.  We’d love to have your help!
  3. Thank you to all who came to the Liverwurst & Fried Mush Supper last Friday night.  It was a wonderful night of fellowship and good food.  Mennonite Friendship Communities is blessed to be part of such a supportive community.

RENO COUNTY LOCAL FOOD SUMMIT . . . Wednesday, April 9, 6-7:30pm

All are invited for an evening of learning and dialogue as we explore food insecurity in Reno County. The evening will begin with networking and heavy appetizers, followed by a presentation from the Reno County Food Advisory Council. Keynote speaker will be a state leader engaged in food insecurity across Kansas. Location is Stringer Fine Arts Center at Hutchinson Community College. RSVP by April 2 by emailing Kara Bunce at


MY COINS COUNT. Each Sunday we will collect coins during our worship service and we will hear stories relating to this year’s focus on food. So keep bringing your coins!! We want to collect a lot of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to help “food” needs around the world. More information at My Coins Count | Mennonite Central Committee

WANTED: Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Campers, Tractors, Farm Machinery and anything of value to be sold at this year’s Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.  Your donations can be used as a Charitable Tax Donation.  Call Jerry Toews, 620 367 8257 for more information.

RUN FOR RELIEF. An easy way to support the MCC sale is to sponsor participants in the Run For Relief. Once again, Jean Gaeddert (and perhaps others from our congregation) will be participating. If you would like to sponsor her and support MCC, please make checks out to: KMRS and include “Run For Relief: Jean Gaeddert” in the memo line. You may also donate cash through Jean. Your gift to MCC is greatly appreciated.


Our February edition of On the Level is now available. In this edition, an update on the MDS response to the LA Wildfires and recent flooding in Kentucky plus a recap of our 75th Anniversary celebration last week in Wichita, KS. Click on this link to read more:

EVERENCE announcements

Webinar: 55 and Counting – Six questions to ask as you prepare for retirement: When is the right time? Will I have enough? Will I be OK? Join Everence experts at 8 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 13, for a webinar that explores these topics and more. Information: share this flyer.  Register at

BETHEL COLLEGE announcements

Now in the Regier Art Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College, “Untethered,” ceramics by David Long, through March 14. Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m.

  • Thu., March 6, 7p.m. – Bethel College Wind Ensemble, directed by Chris Miertschin, Krehbiel Auditorium 
  • Sun., March 9, 4 p.m. – Bethel College Choir Spring Tour Send-off Concert
  • Sun., March 9, 7 p.m. – Bible Lecture (the book of Isaiah) at Bethel College with Doug Miller

REMEMBER the special exhibit at Kauffman Museum, “Unlocking the Past: Immigrant Artifacts and the Stories They Tell.” Open Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-4:30pm; Saturday-Sunday 1:30-4:30pm. (see


Save the Date! Western District Women in Mission invites women & girls to our annual potluck salad supper on Monday, April 28 at 6 p.m. at the Tabor Mennonite Church, rural Newton. The theme is “For the Beauty of the Earth” presented by WDWM executive committee member and Kansas City floral designer, Becca Schrag. Bring a salad to share and a small vessel to make a floral design in – a teacup, bowl, or small vase. This is a free event with an offering taken to help cover expenses. RSVP not required but appreciated by emailing

HESSTON COLLEGE announcements

Hesston College Theatre to present “Urinetown” March 5 through 9
This three-time Tony award winning musical is set in a Gotham-like city facing a severe water shortage due to a 20-year drought. The government has imposed a ban on private toilets, forcing citizens to pay a corrupt corporation for access to public restrooms. While this may sound like super serious stuff, Urinetown uses satire, comical characters and even makes fun of the musical genre itself to tell the story of a hero who, fed up with the whole stinking system, plans a revolution to restore freedom to the people. Filled with excellent music, dancing and hilarious dialogue, come spend an evening with us in Urinetown. Tickets can be purchased now at the Hesston College Bookstore or by calling 620-327-8104.

CAMP MENNOSCAH announcements

Registration is open for the 2025 Summer Youth Camps! The theme for the 2025 summer is Another Way, looking at how Jesus invites us to re-imagine who we are and to live in another way.  

The Spring Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat is March 14-16. Online registration is open! All activities will take place at Main Camp in the dining hall and bunkhouses.

Interviews for the 2025 Summer Staff have started! Staff positions are nature, office, music, lifeguards, crafts and grounds/maintenance. Further information and application available on the Camp Mennoscah webpage or contact 620-297-3290.

Projects left to do on the HVAC renovation at the Retreat Center!  Work groups can be of any size (within reason).  Contact Isaac at 316-217-5626 or Olivia at 316-293-7313 to set up a time for you or your group.  If you are interested in working on a weekend, advance notice of two weeks is needed.  A lack of construction skills should not keep you from helping.  Willing hands and the ability to follow directions are the only requirements. (Activities for those under 18 are limited and likely not at the Retreat Center.)  


Mennonite Mission Network has spaces still available for our transformative Just Peace Pilgrimages this summer and fall. Join us on one of these inspiring journeys . . click a heading for information.

Visit or email Stephanie Weaver at


Please pray for MCC staff and the communities in Kentucky and West Virginia that are experiencing catastrophic flooding. Torrential rain Feb. 15-16 filled creeks and rivers, causing significant flooding. Appalachia Build staff are working with partner churches at our sites in Kimball, West Virginia, and Elkhorn City, Kentucky, that are serving as temporary shelters. Support MCC’s efforts in the region:   Learn more about MCC Appalachia Build:

Exciting Summer Internship Opportunities with MCC! Mennonite Central Committee is offering exciting 2025 summer internship opportunities designed to provide hands-on experience while making a meaningful impact. Over the course of 10–12 weeks, interns will gain valuable skills, explore their interests, and contribute to meaningful projects in areas like human resources, historical exhibit development, immigration, climate communications, global service learning, and the sewing room.  Apply Here


MC USA provided Info on donating for those impacted by the fires in the greater Los Angeles area – Please consider how you, your family and congregation might help in this time of great loss and need.

– To help Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference congregations and families, you can contribute to their wildfire fund (no PayPal account required):
– Support long-term recovery efforts in Southern California by donating to Mennonite Disaster Service (select “California Wildfires” from the dropdown menu):


Commemorating 500 Years of Anabaptism & Swiss Alps Tour. May 21-31, 2025. Space remains! Preview tour at Contact Weldon Martens at / 402-202-9276 for itinerary, registration and full details.