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This week at FMC

THIS WEEK @ FMC – May 8-14, 2024

One of the hymns about love I considered for worship this past Sunday is a new one written by a modern-day Anabaptist (Nathan Grieser), based on the writings of a 16th century Anabaptist (Pilgrim Marpeck).  I love this text, especially the refrain: When we love, we move with Christ; love in us has come alive.  This poetry resonates for me with 1 Corinthians 13 and with Jesus’ teaching about the greatest commandment.  There is a sense in which love is fundamentally divine energy and source, always moving despite our weakness and failure: love persists, love restores, love invites, opens doors.  Through the ongoing grace of God, the presence of the Risen Christ, and our willingness to receive and respond … love comes alive!  And if Paul is right, this is the most essential, beautiful, enduring and greatest thing we can hope for.

“Jesus Christ is love divine, love alive eternally.

Measureless in space and time, beyond words, a mystery.

When we love, we move with Christ; love in us has come alive.

By God’s grace, love finds our heart; we receive it gratefully.

Yet the love that we impart reflects back imperfectly.

When we love, we move with Christ; love in us has come alive.

In our weakness, love persists. In our failures, love restores.

Love invites when we resist. We build walls; love opens doors.

When we love, we move with Christ; love in us has come alive.

We give thanks for all the ways love is shaping us today.

Humbly we return our praise: everything we do and say.

When we love, we move with Christ; love in us has come alive.”

(Voices Together #749 Jesus Christ is Love Divine: text based on the writings of Pilgrim Marpeck in the 16th c; Nathan Grieser 2019)

—Pastor Tonya


The link to join is on our website:  Join 5 minutes early for announcements.  The bulletin can be found under the BULLETINS tab on our home page.  


Lord of the resurrection, you died and were raised so that ultimately death would not prevail. Remind us daily that sin, and even death, have no power over us. Amen.

1 Cor 15:1-26, 51-57; (Mark 12:26-27a)

  • Preacher: Pastor Tonya Ramer Wenger
  • Worship Leader: Anita Kehr
  • Song Leader: TBD
  • Children’s Time: Jean Gaeddert
  • Scripture Reader: Delon Martens
  • Organist: Pauline Buller
  • Ushers: Russ Gaeddert & Diane Ziemer
  • Nursery Attendant: Anna Crable & Jalen Crable
  • Sound Tech: Adam Pounds
  • Live Stream Tech: Joel Iwashige


During each worship service, you are invited to text your prayer joys and concerns – usually to Pastor Tonya.  You are also invited to send prayer joys & concerns during the week. The recording of our worship service is public, so let us know if you’d prefer your request to only be shared via email during the week.  


Announcements are scrolled Sunday mornings before and after worship.  There will be no spoken announcements unless there are pressing announcements that did not make it into the PowerPoint. Please send any announcements you’d like to have included to the church office by Thursday each week. 


We welcome, and are grateful for, your financial donations to our ministry here in Hutchinson.  Instead of collecting an offering during worship (except on special occasions), an offering box is placed at the back of the sanctuary for your Sunday morning donations.  You can also now make a donation directly from our website ( using a credit card or your banking account.  You are also welcome to send a check to 52 Rambler Rd Hutchinson KS 67502. 


  • May 13 – Craft Night – 6:30-8:00pm
  • May 19 – Pentecost Sunday, with Communion
  • May 23-28 – Pastor Tonya gone on vacation
  • May 25 – FMC serves at the Soup Kitchen
  • May 26 – No Sunday School
  • June 2 – Mennonite Friendship Communities Community Worship Service (6:30pm)
  • June 9 – 6:30pm Ice Cream Social @ FMC
  • June 15-16 – FMC’s Camp Mennoscah Weekend – Sunday Worship @ Camp (no livestream!)
  • June 30 – Potluck after Worship – bring a dish and plan to stay for good food and fellowship!

REMINDER:  If you are last one out of the church building, be SURE the doors lock behind you.

DEEPENING in Christ…


A Prayer group meets Thursday mornings from 10-11am in the Prayer Room.  All are welcome. 

A small ecumenical Centering Prayer group meets on Thursdays (in person @ FMC) from 12:30-1:30pm.  If you’d like to learn more, contact Pastor Tonya.    

LPC: Listening-Prayer-Conversation Groups

These groups meet for an hour once/month in the Common Grounds room and are facilitated by Pastor Tonya.  The format allows for time in prayer by yourself and also with the group.  Any are welcome to join, or to just come and check it out! It’s also possible to join on Zoom if you prefer.

  • The Tuesday group meets 1:00pm on Tuesday May 14
  • The Wednesday evening group next meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, May 8


CHILDREN’S CLASSES: Living the Good News (Shine curriculum from MennoMedia)

  • Preschool-3rd grade – meet in the basement classrooms
  • 4th-6th grade – meet upstairs in Jr Youth room

SENIOR YOUTH (8th-12th grade) meet upstairs in Sr Youth room

ADULT CLASS in Fellowship Hall: DVD based study, “Celebration of Discipline,” by Richard Foster. Pastor Jim and Pastor Tonya facilitate

ADULT CLASS in Basement Classroom: Salt & Light study guide prepared by MennoMedia.

And, the YOUNGER ADULTS CLASS meeting in the library.  For more details, talk with Maggie or Adam Pounds. 


Stay tuned for details about dates for Summer Sunday School, tentatively set for 2 Sundays a month.  A schedule will be coming soon, along with more information.  For preschool-junior high we’ll be using the Shine curriculum that follows the Peace With Creation Peace Path in The Peace Table (Bible Story book).

UPPER ROOM and REJOICE! devotional magazines

UPPER ROOM – May through June –  is available above the mailboxes.


Plan to join the mfc Community in worship on Sunday evening, June 2 at 6:30pm for worship and ice cream.

STRENGTHENING Community Connections…


  • Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm
  • Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm


Office hours:

  • Monday: Day Off
  • Tuesday-Friday: generally working 8:00am-5:30pm 
  • “In Office” Hours:  9-2 Tuesday and Thursday; 10-1 on Wednesday
  • Available other times by appointment.
  • Available evenings and weekends (cell phone is most reliable)

Upcoming “Day Apart with God” dates (for silence, reading, prayer & journaling – will NOT be checking email or responding to texts/calls (except for emergencies).  Typically this is the 4th Wednesday of the month. 

Upcoming Vacation: May 23-28, 2024

Pastor Tonya’s Sabbatical dates (spread out between summer 2023-summer 2025)

Pastor Tonya has joined a study program called, “Transforming Community.” Retreats take place in Chicago. Her next scheduled retreat is June 30-July 2.

A more extended chunk of sabbatical time will be taken this summer: June 30-July 4 (for retreat) + July 23-August 9.

CRAFT NIGHT @ FMC on Monday, May 13, 2024

Craft Night is on Monday, May 13, 6:30-8:00pm in the church Fellowship Hall. Bring your project – knitting, crocheting, other crafts – and enjoy this time of friendship and ministry together. Any questions . . . contact Cheryl Warkentin or Diane Ziemer


Food Truck Night – Wednesday, May 15th. Stop by from 4-7 pm and pick up food from a variety of food trucks. 

Annual Community Worship – Sunday, June 2 at 6:30 pm worship service followed by the ice cream social!  Bring your own chair, if you like. An offering will be received.


The Faithful Community Coordination Team (Joretta Martens, Mary Wade, Hilda Iwashige) invite everyone to participate in an ice cream social on Sunday evening, JUNE 9.  Gather with church friends new and old to strengthen relationships and enjoy ice cream and other treats! If you can bring a canister of homemade ice cream, please let someone on the Faithful Community team know.  Everyone else is invited to bring an ice cream topping and/or finger food to share.



  • 4:00pm  Arrive at camp (or anytime after 4)
  • 5:30pm  Dinner coordinated with those who sign up to attend
  • 7:00-8:00pm (tentative) Swimming pool open

Additional activities available: walking trails, canoeing, river play (bring separate clothes/shoes for the river), frisbee golf, conversation.  Bring games and snacks to share.  Sleep in cabins (no electricity) or your own tent; bathhouses close by. Bring your own bedding, flashlights, bug spray, etc. 


Those who stay overnight will coordinate a shared breakfast.

  • 10:00am          WORSHIP
  • 11:15-12:15     SWIMMING or fellowship time!
  • 12:30pm          LUNCH (main dish provided, bring a salad or dessert to share)
  • 1:30pm            CLEAN UP and DEPART BY 2:00pm

*Sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend any portion of the weekend.  If you need transportation for Sunday morning or would be able to provide transportation, please note that on the signup sheet.

ARMS WIDE OPEN – FMC’s history book

The amazing story of First Mennonite Church’s 100 years is told in the history book prepared for our centennial celebration. Copies of the book are available for $25.00 (cash or check). You can also purchase a book online at a price that includes the cost of shipping (click on the “DONATE” button on our website to find this option).   Check with the church office to pick up a book.

STRETCHING to Serve as Christ Served…


May: Pancake mix & syrup

Personal care/hygiene items such as these are appreciated anytime: toilet paper, laundry detergent, bath soap, Kleenex, deodorant, disposable razors, paper towels, shampoo, dish soap, hand/body lotion, toothpaste and toothbrushes.  Travel size – new & unopened – are desirable.


If you are interested in exploring this opportunity to serve as a mentor for a youth at LightHouse, please talk with Pastor Jim.


Our opportunity is coming up again on May 25 to serve a meal at the Soup Kitchen. It takes many helping hands and lots of smiles to prepare and serve the folks who drop by. Put your name on the list to help prepare food, to make deliveries, and to serve food and clean up. Check the sign-up sheets – you’ll find them not far from the mailboxes. Food donations for this month have been filled. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Soft Plastic Recycling is now available at MCC!  We invite you to start a new habit of recycling all soft plastics (plastic bags, bread bags, any plastic packaging that you can stretch) at MCC Central States in North Newton! This is a NEW and ONGOING recycling project. Plastics must be clean, dry and free of food waste. A basket under the table in the foyer is designated to receive your recyclables. You may also bring your soft plastic recycling to MCC any time, placing them in the marked bin outside the warehouse.  Once at MCC, the plastic is baled into 1000 pound bales. These bales are then sold to the TREX company. They melt down the plastic and use it in making their deck boards. Questions, please  contact

May 26-31: Restorative Justice Peace Camp for young adults (Chicago, Illinois) – This peace camp will dive into creative ways to implement justice in local communities. Learning from experienced restorative justice practitioners in Chicago, we will witness incredible ways that transformation is possible through restorative justice. Register today!

MCC’s Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP) home repair program is seeking summer staff in Kimball, West Virginia or Elkhorn City, Kentucky. These three-month positions for Job Site Coordinators and Meals Coordinators will allow you to explore new cultures, develop skills, build friendships and live out your faith. Applicants should be at least 19 years old, but the roles are not limited to young adults. An hourly wage plus room and board are provided. For more information and to apply, visit or Or contact the MCC Appalachia SWAP office at (606) 634-4418 or


You are invited to attend the MCC Sale Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 23, 6:00, at Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church.  The cost for the meal is $20/person and you will pay at the door.  Please RSVP to Barb BJ Reeves by May 19.  620-543-6863 or  The meeting to review the Sale and present MCC with a check will be held after dinner at approximately 7:00 pm.

CAMP MENNOSCAH announcements

Scholarship funds are needed for summer youth camps.  Just as facilities are an important part of Camp Mennoscah’s ministry, so are campers.  There are campers who are unable to come to camp without assistance.  Give to the Scholarship Fund or Scholarship Endowment to help more campers learn about Christ while in God’s creation.  Mark your donation with the fund/endowment you prefer.  The Scholarship Endowment will give up to two full scholarships a year, depending on earnings. Contact or 620-297-3290 for more information.

Nurses, head cooks, kitchen staff and maintenance volunteers are needed for every week of camp.  The summer camps range from 3 to 6 days and begin June 9.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 or if you are interested.

More volunteer fun than just the Retreat Center project!   Many volunteers are still needed for the Retreat Center project, but volunteers are also needed for other camp tasks–mowing, clearing trails, weeding the flower beds.  Contact us at 620-297-3290, 316-293-7313 (text) or  

Thank you to the many volunteers who have already helped with all the camp projects!

EVERENCE© resources for financial planning

Budgeting for the unexpected webinar: You never know when a financial emergency will happen – don’t let surprises derail your financial plans. Discover practical strategies to safeguard your finances against unforeseen expenses. On May 23 at 2 p.m. ET, Steve Bustos, Everence Stewardship Consultant, and Kim Miller, Partner Relationship Specialist for LSS, will present a webinar called “Budgeting for the Unexpected.” Register at    Click here for more information, share this flyer.

Teaching children faith and finance: Teaching lessons of stewardship can start young and in the home! Everence and Financial Choice are here to provide resources and encouragement on your parenting journey. Read more here.

HESSTON COLLEGE announcements

May 10 and 11 – Student Recitals and Theatre Showcase

As the school year comes to a close, Hesston College’s stellar performing arts programs will be on display once again. Sophomore students involved in choral activities will perform recitals at 2 and 4 p.m., Friday, May 10, as well as 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 11. In addition, the annual theatre showcase will be performed Saturday at 1 p.m.

May 10 – International Chorale Farewell Concert

Join us May 10 at 7 p.m. at Hesston Mennonite Church as the Hesston College Chorale presents their concert titled “Veni, Sancte Spiritus.” Following this kick off concert, the chorale will travel to Europe for their biennial international tour from May 14 to June 4, where they will perform at churches in the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. 

May 11 – Commencement Ceremony

Hesston College’s 114th annual commencement ceremony is Saturday, May 11, at 4 p.m. The college will grant approximately 44 bachelor’s degrees and 60 associate degrees to the graduating class of 2024. This year’s commencement speaker, Dr. Rebecca Hernandez, will inspire our graduates to consider how acts of service can frame their lives.

May 23 – Dyck Arboretum of the Plains Summer Music Nights: Kilometer 81

You are invited to bring your friends and family, lawn chairs or picnic blankets and join us for Summer Music Nights at Dyck Arboretum! This event is free to the public – donations are welcome. Water and lemonade will be provided. Bring your own picnic, if you like. Everyone is welcome to walk the arboretum grounds and enjoy the summer evening. Music will begin at 7 p.m. Performers will be located on the covered patio on the west side of the Prairie Pavilion and the public is invited to gather on the lawn areas nearby. Kilometer 81 is a local bluegrass band composed of three siblings, Eli (mandolin), Addie (guitar), and Austin (banjo), and their parents, Ken (bass) and Amy (vocals). They build elements of jazz, folk and barbershop music onto a traditional bluegrass foundation.

June 16 to 22 – Summer Theatre Camp

Student actors ages 11 to 18 are invited to stage a live theatre performance at Hesston College’s annual summer theatre camp June 16 to 22. The weeklong theatre immersion will culminate in a public performance of the musical “Mean Girls” at 2 p.m., Saturday, June 22, in the Hesston Mennonite Church sanctuary on the Hesston College campus. Theatre camp registration is $335 per person and includes lodging and meals for seven days and six nights, or $285 for day camp only. A discount is available for families registering more than one student. Participants can visit to register online. Registration is due June 10.

BETHEL COLLEGE announcements

Bethel College commencement weekend is Sat.-Sun., May 11-12. Events: Nurse Pinning Ceremony, 2 p.m., May 11, Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts CenterBaccalaureate, 10 a.m., and Commencement, 4 p.m., May 12both in Memorial Hall.



Travel to Zurich + Swiss Alps – a 9-Day Tour in May 2025Tour sites: Lake Geneva, Murren – the Swiss mountain village accessed by cable car, and Mennonite heritage in Bern and the Emmental Valley. On May 29 we will join Anabaptists from around the world in Zurich in worship and celebration of the 500 Year beginning of Anabaptism. Details and registration coming soon. Preview the tour at To join the “Interested List” contact Weldon Martens at / 402-202-9276.

Mennonite World Conference Commemorates Birth of Anabaptism in 2025

On 29 May 2025, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) will welcome guests from around the world to The Courage to Love: Anabaptism@500. The day-long celebration commemorates the birth of the Anabaptist movement in Zurich, Switzerland. Following workshops, concerts, a panel discussion and self-guided historical walking tours, participants will gather for an ecumenical worship service at the Grossmünster cathedral.  Click here for more information