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This week at FMC

THIS WEEK @ FMC – September 11-24

Table of Contents

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it. Psalm 24:1

Prayers for creation (from Mennonite World Conference):

We hear the Spirit calling us to respond to the suffering of creation by repenting, by turning from greed and selfish ambition: the entire cosmos is the field of God’s mission to reclaim, redeem and recreate.

We lament that violence is an implicit part of the exploitation of natural resources, where the powerful lay claim to land and resources, seeking to silence voices raised in opposition. We pray for those who protect and defend the environment all around the world.

Help us to follow Christ in life by joining in on God’s mission, living simply, reducing the impact of our consumerism on our environment, advocating for those most vulnerable, and responding practically to their suffering.


PLEASE NOTE: Our next THIS WEEK post is scheduled for September 24.


The link to join is on our website:  Join 5 minutes early for announcements.  The bulletin can be found under the BULLETINS tab on our home page. 


(The second in a 6-week series)  We hope and act recognizing our dependence on God, and our interdependence with all other beings in the web of life.

Psalm 8; Matthew 6:25-34

  • Preacher: Anita Kehr
  • Worship Leader: Calvin Buller
  • Song Leader: Magdalena Wenger
  • Children’s Time: Calvin Nisly
  • Scripture Reader: DeAnna Goering
  • Organist: Pauline Buller
  • Ushers: Susan Combs & Joretta Martens
  • Nursery Attendant: Stephanie Gehring
  • Sound Tech: Earl Ediger
  • Live Stream Tech: Jonathan Wenger


The Broken Vessel is Often More Beautiful Than the Original (worship resources from Mennonite World Conference)

2 Corinthians 4:7; Haggai 2:9

  • Preacher: Jim Unruh
  • Worship Leader: Tonya Ramer Wenger
  • Song Leader: Tonya Ramer Wenger
  • Children’s Time: Santalena Caudillo
  • Scripture Reader: Judy Langley
  • Organist: Pauline Buller
  • Guitarist: Magdalena Wenger
  • Ushers: Don Wiens & Russell Goering
  • Nursery Attendant: Russell & Julie Goering
  • Sound Tech: Murray Reimer
  • Live Stream Tech: Jonathan Wenger


During each worship service, you are invited to text your prayer joys and concerns – usually to Pastor Tonya.  You are also invited to send prayer joys & concerns during the week. The recording of our worship service is public, so let us know if you’d prefer your request to only be shared via email during the week.  


If you would be willing to read scripture, please sign up on the bulletin board opposite the mailboxes. We welcome readers of all ages, and we’d be happy to bring a mic to you if you would prefer reading from your seat.


Announcements are scrolled Sunday mornings before and after worship.  There will be no spoken announcements unless there are pressing announcements that did not make it into the PowerPoint. Please send any announcements you’d like to have included to the church office by Thursday each week. 


We welcome, and are grateful for, your financial donations to our ministry here in Hutchinson.  Instead of collecting an offering during worship (except on special occasions), an offering box is placed at the back of the sanctuary for your Sunday morning donations.  You can also now make a donation directly from our website ( using a credit card or your banking account.  You are also welcome to send a check to 52 Rambler Rd Hutchinson KS 67502. 


  • September 22 – Bible Dedication (Kindergarten, 3rd grade, 7th grade) – NOTE DATE CHANGE!!!
  • September 26 – Pastor Congregation Relations Committee, 4:00pm
  • September 28 – FMC serves at the Soup Kitchen
  • September 29 – Safe Sanctuaries training for all who work with children/youth in our congregation – 10:45
  • September 29 – All church picnic potluck at Herman Bunte Park in Hutchinson (18 Lazy Lane) – noon
  • October 12 – Church workday – indoor and outdoor projects – 8:00am-1:00pm (or whenever you can
  • come)

REMINDER:  If you are last one out of the church building, be SURE the doors lock behind you.

DEEPENING in Christ…


A Prayer group meets Thursday mornings from 10-11am in the Prayer Room.  All are welcome. 

A small ecumenical Centering Prayer group meets on Thursdays (in person @ FMC) from 12:30-1:30pm.  If you’d like to learn more, contact Pastor Tonya.    

LPC: Listening-Prayer-Conversation Groups

These groups meet for an hour once/month in the Common Grounds room and are facilitated by Pastor Tonya.  The format allows for time in prayer by yourself and also with the group.  Any are welcome to join, or to just come and check it out! It’s also possible to join on Zoom if you prefer.

  • The Tuesday group next meeting Tuesday, September 10 at 1:00pm
  • The Wednesday evening group next meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, September 11


Please join us for Sunday school this fall!

  • Preschool through 4th grade meet in the basement Sunday School wing.
  • 5th grade-8th grade meet upstairs in the Junior Youth room
  • Senior Youth (9th-12th) meet upstairs in the Youth room


  • Salt & Light Bible Study meets in Adult SS room in the basement
  • Connection & Conversation meets in the library
  • Adult Discussion Class meets in the fellowship hall and can be joined via Zoom

If you are interested in helping teach children or junior youth Sunday School, please contact Joy Miller, who is coordinating that scheduling on behalf of the Faith Formation Team.


The Season of Creation is an annual celebration for Christians around the world that officially begins on Sept 1, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and culminates on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christians.  Our schedule at FMC will be a little different as we are beginning the series on Sept 8, will pause to observe Peace Sunday on Sept 22, and will wrap things up on October 20. 

  • Sept 15: Week 2: Interdependence – We hope and act recognizing our dependence on God, and our interdependence with all other beings in the web of life.  (Anita Kehr preaching)
  • Sept 22: Peace Sunday (Mennonite World Conference resources) (Pastor Jim preaching)
  • Sept 29: Week 3: RevealingWe hope and act for the revealing of God’s sacred presence in human and more-than-human creation. (Pastor Tonya preaching)
  • Oct 6: World Communion Sunday & Week 4: Freedom – We hope and act trusting in the Spirit of Christ that frees us from captivity to fear and death (Pastor Tonya preaching)
  • Oct 13: Week 5: Birth – We hope and act with eager expectation for the birth of new relationships with Creator God and our creaturely kindred.
  • Oct 20: Week 6: Hope – We hope and act, trusting in God to work in unseen, marvelous ways.


The theme for this year’s Peace Sunday resources provided by Mennonite World Conference is: Kintsukuroi: The broken vessel is often more beautiful than the original.  2 Corinthians 4:7 describes the gospel as a “treasure” in “clay jars.” These humble vessels bring to mind the Japanese tradition of kintsukuroi that creates (or recreates) pottery from broken pieces. Damaged vessels are put back together, often with gold binding, to create a useful object once again. The new piece tells a story about the past and is infused with glory that is greater than the former, as in Haggai 2:9.

This year we’ll also be gifting Bibles on Sept 22 to any kindergarteners, 3rd graders, and 7th graders in our congregation.


Our fall Mission Festival speaker on Sunday November 17 will be Robert Yutzy, Senior Associate for Congregational Ministries at KIPCOR (The Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution).  KIPCOR is “a regional institute affiliated with Bethel College (North Newton, KS), dedicated to resolving human conflict – both locally and globally – and promoting peace and social justice.” ( More details about the morning are forthcoming!

UPPER ROOM and REJOICE! devotional magazines

  • UPPER ROOM – The September-October issue is available above the mailboxes.
  • Rejoice! – August-September issue is available above the mailboxes.

STRENGTHENING Community Connections…


  • Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm
  • Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm (NO Wednesday office hours September 18)


Office hours:

  • Monday: Day Off
  • Tuesday-Friday: generally working 8:00am-5:30pm 
  • “In Office” Hours:  9-2 Tuesday and Thursday; 10-1 Wednesday (No Wednesday hours September 18)
  • Available other times by appointment.
  • Available evenings and weekends (cell phone is most reliable)

Upcoming “Day Apart with God” dates (for silence, reading, prayer & journaling – will NOT be checking email or responding to texts/calls (except for emergencies). Next “Day Apart” is WEDNESDAY, September 25.

Pastor Tonya’s Sabbatical dates (spread out between summer 2023-summer 2025)

Pastor Tonya has joined a study program called, “Transforming Community.” Retreats take place in Chicago. Her next scheduled retreat is September 15-18. (She will be out of town September 13-18.)


Arrive any time after worship or after the Safe Sanctuaries Training. Lunch at 12:00 noon. Bring a dish to share and your own table service.  The park is located at 18 Lazy Lane.  As there are limited picnic tables available, we also encourage you to bring chairs.  Drinks provided.


All are invited to join the book group that will be meeting on Wednesdays at 1:00pm this fall, beginning on  September 25, to discuss The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life by Michael Wear.  We’ll meet weekly for approximately 8 weeks. Check with the church office if you need help ordering a book.  If there are those who would like to read & discuss this book, but the Wednesday 1pm daytime doesn’t work, please also let Tonya know and we’ll explore options.

Description of the book: For those discouraged and exhausted by the bitterness and rage in our politics, Michael Wear offers a new paradigm of political involvement rooted in the teachings of Jesus and drawing insights from Dallas Willard’s approach to spiritual formation.When political division shows up not only on the campaign trail but also at our dinner tables, we wonder: Can we be part of a better way? The Spirit of Our Politics says “yes,” offering a distinctly Christian approach to politics that results in healing rather than division, kindness rather than hatred, and hope rather than despair.

WEST NILE VIRUS information

Currently South Central Kansas is in the high risk area for getting bitten by a mosquito infected with the West Nile virus.  This is a seasonal epidemic that flares up in the summer and continues into the fall.

What Can I Do to Prevent West Nile virus?

  • When outdoors, use mosquito repellents
  • Wear long sleeves and pants.  Mosquitoes are most active from dusk to dawn.
  • Make sure you have good screens on windows and doors.
  • Empty containers of standing water, change bird baths weekly

Symptoms of West Nile

Symptoms range from no symptoms (80%) to severe (1 in 150).  Seek care for fever, headache, neck stiffness, body aches, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, tremors, vision loss, numbness.

West Nile is spread by infected mosquitoes, not human to human contact.

The more time spent outside increases the risk of being bitten.  People over the age of 50 are more likely to develop serious symptoms if they do get sick.  There is no vaccine to mitigate the effects of West Nile

ARMS WIDE OPEN – FMC’s history book

The amazing story of First Mennonite Church’s 100 years is told in the history book prepared for our centennial celebration. Copies of the book are available for $25.00 (cash or check). You can also purchase a book online at a price that includes the cost of shipping (click on the “DONATE” button on our website to find this option).   Check with the church office to pick up a book.

STRETCHING to Serve as Christ Served…


September: Canned Meat/Tuna                   

October: Canned Soup (esp. tomato & cream of mushroom)

Personal care/hygiene items such as these are appreciated anytime: toilet paper, laundry detergent, bath soap, Kleenex, deodorant, disposable razors, paper towels, shampoo, dish soap, hand/body lotion, toothpaste and toothbrushes.  Travel size – new & unopened – are desirable.


Dear Members of First Mennonite Church,

Thank you for being a vessel through which your partnership with MCC has blessed many lives in Zambia. You are providing emergency food and the resources to dig three more boreholes.

Delon, Joretta, Carol and I recently traveled to Zambia, where we witnessed the results of no rain since November. People were hungry. MCC partner Brethren in Christ Church pastor talked about how difficult it has been to carry out their ministry when people are struggling to stay sustainable. Their rural church community depends on rain to grow its crops.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your partnership. Your support is instrumental in our efforts to provide food security for 475 families and dig three more wells in their community.

Blessings!!!  – Maynard Knepp (Director Resource Generation, Central States MCC)

Delon and Joretta provided this report to the church on September 1:  Earlier this week I made a trip to the Central States MCC office in North Newton and delivered a check from First Mennonite Church in the amount of $2,525 as our response to the South Africa Drought Response – 2024.  That along with the $2,000 challenge grant that was on the table means $4,525 was given toward the $60,000 goal for the program. The money will be used to provide a monthly food ration to 475 families over 3 months.  Each family will receive a 50 kilogram bag of maize, 5 kilos of beans, 2 liters of cooking oil and 2 kilos of salt for 3 months.  Maize is used to produce Mshima, a finely ground maize meal porridge which is a staple food in the Zambian diet.  Thanks to all who contributed to this challenge.  


Mark your calendars for Monday October 7 for Chili Supper Fundraiser for Salthawk Community Support at Trinity United Methodist Church – (Thorne Hall) from 5:30 – 7 PM.  Dine in or carry out both available. The cost is $10 and the menu is: Chili, relishes, and cinnamon rolls.  Pastor Tonya and Tanya Martin Nisly both serve on the board for this non-profit that exists to help reduce barriers to education at Hutchinson High School and HMS 8 through providing needed physical resources (clothing, shoes, toiletries, etc.) as well as building relationships of support through mentoring and tutoring.


Mennonite Friendship Communities is hosting an Open House!  On Tuesday, October 1 from 5-7 pm several of our Independent Living homes will be open for visitors to tour.  Come to the Independent Living main entrance (200 Sunnydell Circle) to start your tour and enjoy seeing some of our homes.  For more information, contact Susan Nisly at 620-663-7175 or  We hope to see you there!!

BETHEL COLLEGE announcements

Sat., Sept. 14 – Duo piano recital: Dr. Christina Liu (Bethel College) and Dr. Brett Janssen (Central Christian College), 4 p.m., Ad Building chapel at Bethel College

Forum on Democracy and Christianity with David Gushee, leading Christian ethicist, pastor and author. Gushee will speak Sunday, September 15, during worship (9:30 a.m.) and Sunday school (10:30 a.m.) at Bethel College Mennonite Church and, in the afternoon, will keynote a forum on democracy and Christianity. The afternoon program will run from 3-6 p.m. in Memorial Hall on the Bethel campus. It will also include a panel of local leaders and a chance for table discussion. September 16, Gushee will speak in convocation at 11 a.m. in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel.

BETHEL COLLEGE WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION fundraising booth at Fall Fest, October 5

Bethel College Women’s Association needs your donations of baked goods and craft items! Home-made pies, poppyseed rolls, zwieback, cinnamon rolls, other baked goods and treats for Market-in-the-Round at Fall Festival are welcome. In addition, home-made jams/jellies and craft items are needed.

All of these items can be delivered to the Music Library in Luyken Fine Arts Center from 1 – 5 p.m. on Friday, October 4. All proceeds will benefit Bethel College. Questions? Email

Volunteers are needed as well to staff the booths. To sign up, click on the following link:


This fundraising event will be held October 10 at 6:30pm, at the Meadowlark Building on the State Fairgrounds. Featured speaker is Rebekah Hagan. Website is OPENDOORFRIENDS.COM or click here to register  

Contact Open Door at 620-728-2229 with any questions.

CROP HUNGER WALK . . . Sunday, October 13!

Walk! Give! Change the World!

You are invited to take part in and support the Reno County CROP Hunger Walk sponsored by Church World Service (CWS)!  One-quarter of funds donated will be shared by The Reno County Food Bank and the Christian Soup Ministry. Last year, each agency received $1000! CWS will use the rest in more than 40 countries, helping people start small livestock farms or dig wells for their communities. CWS also assists refugees and people in need in the Ukraine, in Gaza, and in war-torn regions of Africa. 

To walk in solidarity with people who must walk for food and water: Join usat Rice Park at 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 13.  Come at 1.30 to register or register on-line at the website below. We WALK at our own pace and up to three miles. Water is provided.

To help our local and global neighbors: Write a check to “CWS/CROP” and put your church’s name on the memo line.  Send it by October 15 to Grace Episcopal Church, 2 Hyde Park Drive, Hutchinson, KS 67502! OR donate securely at the website below.  Click “Donate,” then “Make a General Donation.” Donations to CWS are tax-exempt.

Questions? Contact Co-Coordinator Eileen Porter, or 608-957-6432.  Thank you for helping our neighbors!

CAMP MENNOSCAH announcements

Summer is over and volunteer work days have been adjusted!  Volunteers for the HVAC work at the Retreat Center are welcome Monday – Friday. A lack of construction skills should not keep you from helping out with this project. Willing hands are what is needed!  Let us know when you are available, so we can prepare for you.  For anyone interested in working on a weekend, two weeks notice is needed. Contact Isaac at 316-217-5626 to sign up.

Other events and happenings:

  • Thank you to the many summer youth camp volunteers, both far and near, long-time and new!  Camp Mennoscah had a successful summer because of you.  403 campers had the absolute bestest of camp weeks!  (If not, we’ll try harder next summer.)  See you at Fall Fest on October 5th at Bethel College!
  • Registration for the Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats is open!  The dates are November 1-3 and November 15-17. Lodging and crafting will be held at Main Camp in the bunkhouses and dining hall.  Register here.  We’ll see you for another fun weekend!
  • Annual Meeting on September 22 will be a day of worship, fun, and fellowship, followed by the annual business meeting at 5pm. Events begin at 10:30am at Camp Mennoscah. Make reservations for a picnic-style lunch here.  Donations will be accepted for lunch and for the Foundation 75 Capital Campaign.
  • Volunteers for grounds and deep cleaning, and more are continuing need.  Contact us at 620-297-3290, 316-293-7313 (text) or  

MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE (MCC) learning opportunities

MCC immigration-focused learning tour in South Texas, Oct. 6-11: MCC learning tours present a unique opportunity to engage directly with the work done by MCC and partner organizations. The tour will give participants the chance to meet with law enforcement officials from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), gain insights into the complexity of immigration enforcement, including deportation and apprehensions, and visiting migrant response shelters. The tour will shed light on the challenges faced by migrants on their journey and raise awareness about the asylum process, and conditions faced by displaced and uprooted individuals. Find out more and register for the trip by Sept. 20.  Questions, please contact Becky Teiwes, MCC Central States Borderlands Program Coordinator at

Join MCC Great Lakes for the Dismukes Project Learning Tour on October 9-13: ​​This learning tour provides a unique experience to learn more about Black history and experiences in the coalfields of Appalachia, while also learning the incredible story of Dr. Henry Dodford Dismukes, an African American physician in the early 1900’s. Participants will visit various sites connected with Dr. Dismukes, hear from local speakers, learn about MCC’s work to preserve Black history in the area and attend the Dismukes Gala featuring John Ellison. Learn more and register at Tickets are also available separately for the Dismukes Gala on October 12 at Learn more about Dr. Dismukes and the project, including a video and podcast, at


Join us in Hydro, OK for the 2024 MDS Region 3 Annual Meeting. We are gathering on November 15-17 to hear updates on what MDS is doing around the country and in our region. This isn’t just a business meeting! Our theme is “Spreading the News: Effective (and timely!) communication within your unit.” Plenary sessions and workshops are available to help everyone get involved in the work of MDS.

We will worship together, eat together, and have fun together. Nathan Luitjens, Executive Conference Minister of Central Plains Mennonite Conference is speaking Friday evening during worship. The MDS Communications Team is leading several sessions over the weekend. On Saturday evening we will spend our time enjoying each other’s company while also enjoying a fun night of games and entertainment. And the MDS Storm Encounter trailer will be there! We hope to see you there! For more information or to register, go to Region 3 Annual Meeting – Mennonite Disaster Service ( or contact Region 3 Administrative Assistant Chris Becker at or 717-383-8981.


Travel to Zurich + Swiss Alps – a 9-Day Tour in May 2025Tour sites: Lake Geneva, Murren – the Swiss mountain village accessed by cable car, and Mennonite heritage in Bern and the Emmental Valley. On May 29 we will join Anabaptists from around the world in Zurich in worship and celebration of the 500 Year beginning of Anabaptism. Details and registration coming soon. Preview the tour at To join the “Interested List” contact Weldon Martens at / 402-202-9276.

Mennonite World Conference Commemorates Birth of Anabaptism in 2025

On 29 May 2025, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) will welcome guests from around the world to The Courage to Love: Anabaptism@500. The day-long celebration commemorates the birth of the Anabaptist movement in Zurich, Switzerland. Following workshops, concerts, a panel discussion and self-guided historical walking tours, participants will gather for an ecumenical worship service at the Grossmünster cathedral.  Click here for more information