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This week at FMC

THIS WEEK @ FMC – March 26-April 1, 2025

Table of Contents

We believe in a God who loves and tends to us like a gardener.

We believe that like the trees,

some seasons are for growth,

and some seasons are for rest.

Some days require pruning,

and some require planting.

Fortunately, we believe that our green-thumbed God

sees us and cultivates the sweetest fruit.

So may we plant roots,

reach for the sky,

grow where we can,

and rest when we need,

for we believe there is holiness in the pruning and

in the planting. And we do not grow alone.

Thanks be to God, amen.

(“Affirmation of Faith” written by Rev. Sarah A. Speed / A Sanctified Art LLC /

NOTE: If you would like a printout of your annual giving report from FMC, please let our treasurer, Mike Dirks, know! Please contact him directly. You can reach him at or 620-474-1224. Thank you for your generosity to our shared ministry at FMC!!


The link to join is on our website:  Join 5 minutes early for announcements.  The bulletin can be found under the BULLETINS tab on our home page. 

SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2025 – Everything [in] Between Lost & Found: Parable of the Lost Sheep

(Luke 15:1-7)

Herding sheep is a never-ending task. As soon as one is found, another may go missing. Our lives have a similar ebb and flow—in one moment we might feel like we have it all together, and in the next, we’re struggling to survive. The promise of this parable is that no matter how “lost” we feel, the Good shepherd is by our side. 

During this worship service, we’ll also celebrate the baptism of Santalena Caudillo and welcome her as a member of First Mennonite.

  • Preacher: Tonya Ramer Wenger
  • Worship Leader: Joel Iwashige
  • Song Leader: Shane Miller
  • Children’s Time: DeAnna Goering
  • Scripture Reader: Eldon Wagler
  • Pianist: Shelley Kauffman
  • Ushers: Dennis & Jennalee Boggs
  • Nursery Attendant: TBA
  • Sound Tech: Earl Ediger & Allen Yoder
  • Live Stream Tech: Jonathan Wenger


During each worship service, you are invited to text your prayer joys and concerns – usually to Pastor Tonya.  You are also invited to send prayer joys & concerns during the week. The recording of our worship service is public, so let us know if you’d prefer your request to only be shared via email during the week.  


Announcements are scrolled Sunday mornings before and after worship.  There will be no spoken announcements unless there are pressing announcements that did not make it into the PowerPoint. Please send any announcements you’d like to have included to the church office by Thursday each week. 


We welcome, and are grateful for, your financial donations to our ministry here in Hutchinson.  Instead of collecting an offering during worship (except on special occasions), an offering box is placed at the back of the sanctuary for your Sunday morning donations.  You can also now make a donation directly from our website ( using a credit card or your banking account.  You are also welcome to send a check to 52 Rambler Rd Hutchinson KS 67502. 


  • March 26 – Lenten Lunch (Noon-1pm) – more details below
  • March 26 – WNAF (Wed Nights at First) Session (with choir rehearsals, dinner and Bible study!)
  • March 30 – Using our AED (automated external defibrillator) demonstration & practice following worship
  • April 5 – Listening for a Word – Preaching Workshop/Retreat (10am-2:30pm-lunch provided); details below
  • April 6 – Communion celebrated during the Sunday morning service
  • April 6 – Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus concert – Tabor College, 4:00pm
  • April 11-12 – Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale – state fairgrounds in Hutchinson
  • April 13 – Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus concert – Bethel College, 4:00pm

REMINDER:  If you are last one out of the church building, be SURE the doors lock behind you.

DEEPENING in Christ…


If you would like to join with others at FMC for prayer, please let the church office know.

A small ecumenical Centering Prayer group meets on TUESDAYS (in person @ FMC) from 11:30-12:30 (note the new date/time).  If you’d like to learn more, contact Pastor Tonya.    

LPC: Listening-Prayer-Conversation Groups

These groups meet for an hour once/month in the Common Grounds room and are facilitated by Pastor Tonya.  The format allows for time in prayer by yourself and also with the group.  Any are welcome to join, or to just come and check it out! It’s also possible to join on Zoom if you prefer.

  • The Tuesday group’s next meeting is Tuesday, March 25 at 1:00pm
  • The Wednesday evening group next meeting in April is TBD – watch here for updates!

Prayer Station at the back of the sanctuary … feel free to leave your written prayers and/or to ‘light’ an electric candle to reflect your prayers.  You can visit this station during the week or on Sunday mornings before, during or after the worship service.

SUNDAY SCHOOL – SPRING QUARTER began March 2 for all age groups

Children and Youth:

  • Preschool through 4th grade meet in the basement Sunday School wing.
  • 5th grade-8th grade meet upstairs in the Junior Youth room
  • Senior Youth (9th-12th) meet upstairs in the Youth room


  • Adults are using the Salt & Light Bible Study on the topic of, “A Church Divided: A Study of 1 Corinthians.” It is an in-depth dive into the life and times of Paul and Jesus followers in Corinth. How does the gospel speak to their congregational conflicts and our challenges? The class meets in fellowship hall with Zoom option available.
  • Connection & Conversation meets in the library. Childcare for infants & toddlers is available in the nursery most Sundays.

LENT & EASTER WORSHIP @ FMC:  everything [in] between

Our worship theme, everything [in] between, comes to us from A Sanctified Art ( and is based on the Narrative Lectionary texts in the Gospel of Luke. The series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed.”  In doing so “we might find that God is present in between.”

  • March 30 (Lent 4) – everything [in] between: lost & found – Pastor Tonya preaching
  • April 6 (Lent 5) – everything [in] between: righteousness & mercy – Pastor Tonya preaching (+Communion)
  • April 13 (Palm Sunday) – everything [in] between: shouting & silence – Pastor Tonya preaching
  • April 17 (Maundy Thurs) – everything [in] between: power & humility – an evening meal with worship
  • April 18 (Good Friday) – everything [in] between: acceptance & resistance
  • April 20 (Easter) – everything [in] between: grief & hope – Pastor Jim preaching

EASTER LILIES to remember someone you love

If you would like to remember someone, please complete the form on the table in the foyer and place it in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary with your payment of $10 per lily. Easter lilies – in a 6-inch pot with a bow – will be purchased and used to decorate the sanctuary on Easter morning. You may take yours home after the Easter morning service. ORDERS are due March 26!


  • Art on Exhibit Fridays during Lent, 5:00-6:30pm
  • Grace Episcopal Church (2 Hyde Park Drive)
  • Don’t miss this opportunity to see some wonderful creations including one by our own Hannah Beam.


Pastor Tonya is partnering with pastors at Grace Episcopal, Trinity United Methodist, Emmanuel Lutheran, and First Presbyterian to provide a Lenten Lunch series with the theme “The Wisdom of Lent.” Each lunch will include worship, a short meditation/presentation, and a simple lunch provided by the host church. The location will rotate among the churches/pastors involved. This week is the 3rd in the series – see schedule below.            

  • March 26 @ Emmanuel Lutheran (Pastor Craig Hauschild, Trinity United Methodist, preaching)
  • April 2 @ First Mennonite (Father Ted Blakley, Grace Episcopal Church, preaching)
  • April 9 @ First Presbyterian (Pastor Tonya preaching on “Prayers of Lament”)

Volunteers are needed to help welcome guests and serve the lunch on April 2, when FMC hosts this event. If you can help, contact Pauline in the church office.

LISTENING FOR A WORD: A Sermon Writing Retreat/Workshop on APRIL 5

Have you felt drawn to writing a sermon, but weren’t sure where to start? Pastor Tonya and Anita Kehr (who is also an MC USA ordained pastor) are offering a sermon writing retreat/workshop at FMC on April 5 from 10:00am-2:30pm to help you do just that. This opportunity comes at the request of several at FMC, and anyone is invited to attend and explore this spiritual discipline! Lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP by Wednesday April 2 to either Anita or Tonya if you plan to attend so we know how to plan!!

The first part of the day will explore questions around the purpose of a sermon, the interplay of the written Word and the Word of the Spirit, and choosing a scripture and/or theme. You will have space to do your own listening and to settle on the focus of your sermon. The second part of the day will include practical suggestions of how to shape a sermon and will again give you space to start writing your sermon. Bring a laptop if you prefer to write on that, or a notebook or journal if you prefer to handwrite. Study resources (commentaries, etc.) will be provided, but please bring your own Bible. If you need childcare in order to participate, please let Pastor Tonya know that as well and we’ll try our best to make that happen. 

Anabaptist World Special Edition

 “Anabaptism @ 500” copies are available in the foyer. Please take one and enrich your understanding of Anabaptist history and the contribution of a variety of voices about what makes Anabaptism distinctive in the past as well as right here and now.

UPPER ROOM and REJOICE! devotional magazines  –  new issues beginning with March

  • Rejoice!

STRENGTHENING Community Connections…


  • Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm
  • Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm


Office hours:

  • Monday: Day Off
  • Tuesday-Friday: generally working 8:00am-5:30pm 
  • “In Office” Hours:  9-2 Tuesday and Thursday; 10-11:30 Wednesdays during Lent
  • Available other times by appointment.
  • Available evenings and weekends (cell phone is most reliable)

Pastor Tonya’s Sabbatical dates (spread out between summer 2023-summer 2025)

Pastor Tonya has joined a study program called, “Transforming Community.” Retreats take place in Chicago. Her next scheduled retreat is June 15-17.

Upcoming “Day Apart with God” dates (for silence, reading, prayer & journaling – will NOT be checking email or responding to texts/calls (except for emergencies). Next day apart will be in April.

SPRING 2025 WNAF (Wednesday Nights at First): Wednesdays through April 9

Our spring WNAF (Wednesday Nights at First) sessions follow the theme of “Reading Scripture Together in the Anabaptist Tradition.” We are using the Bible Study practice provided in the Anabaptist Community Bible.  Pastor Tonya and Pastor Jim are leading the Bible Study sessions, which focus on scriptures in Luke where we see Jesus’ mission statement in Luke 4 lived out.

The evening schedule also includes children and adult choir rehearsals, and a meal. If you could help with nursery care for our littlest ones during the 7-8pm program, please let Pastor Tonya know.

  • 5:30-6:30pm  Adult Choir Rehearsal
  • 6:00-7:00pm  Meal (donations welcome to cover cost)
  • 7:00-8:00pm  Program
  • 7:00-8:00pm  Children’s Choir with Peggy Stucky (March 12, 19, 26); Creating KMRS “Kid’s Corner” donations with Martha Miller (April 2 and 9)

AED (automated external defibrillator) demonstration . . . March 30 after worship

March 30th there will be a demonstration on how to use the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) that we have housed in our lobby area and an opportunity to practice using this powerful life-saving tool. This intergenerational activity will occur at the front of the sanctuary following the worship service so bring your coffee/juice. You can save a life not only here on our campus but anywhere you may be, whether it is at a sporting event or shopping at Target. Our healthcare team will also be available to do blood pressure checks.

Announcement from the Accessibility Team

The restrooms on the main floor have doors that do not open easily. This can be quite difficult for people with mobility issues to navigate through. To address this, the restroom doors will remain propped open while the building is in use. If more privacy is needed, feel free to close the door, then prop it open again on your way out. We would also like to thank those who have left notes for the accessibility team with your suggestions and questions. If anyone has ideas on how FMC can be “arms wide open” to people of all abilities, please leave a note in Diane Ziemer’s box, or talk with any of our team members, Diane, Peggy Stucky, Joy Miller, and Heidi Unruh.  


If your child/youth plans to attend Camp Mennoscah or Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp this summer, please send that information to the church office.  FMC offers a scholarship to cover ½ of the registration fee for camp! Once you’ve registered and paid with the camp, please submit your camper’s information (name, camp attending, and total registration fee) to the church office and the church will reimburse you.


Our Lost & Found Box is overflowing!! If you have left a small item behind, please check the box above the mailboxes. Clothing will be hung on the coat rack by the drinking fountains.

ARMS WIDE OPEN – FMC’s history book

The amazing story of First Mennonite Church’s 100 years is told in the history book prepared for our centennial celebration. Copies of the book are available for $25.00 (cash or check). You can also purchase a book online at a price that includes the cost of shipping (click on the “DONATE” button on our website to find this option).   Check with the church office to pick up a book.

STRETCHING to Serve as Christ Served…


March: Canned Veggies (especially green beans)       April: Pasta

Personal care/hygiene items such as these are appreciated anytime: toilet paper, laundry detergent, bath soap, Kleenex, deodorant, disposable razors, paper towels, shampoo, dish soap, hand/body lotion, toothpaste and toothbrushes.  Travel size – new & unopened – are desirable.

RENO COUNTY LOCAL FOOD SUMMIT . . . Wednesday, April 9, 6-7:30pm

All are invited for an evening of learning and dialogue as we explore food insecurity in Reno County. The evening will begin with networking and heavy appetizers, followed by a presentation from the Reno County Food Advisory Council. Keynote speaker will be a state leader engaged in food insecurity across Kansas. Location is Stringer Fine Arts Center at Hutchinson Community College. RSVP by April 2 by emailing Kara Bunce at

KANSAS MENNONITE MEN’S CHORUS concerts support the work of MCC    

You are invited to join us for an upcoming concert of the Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus.  The 120-member chorus includes members from our church.  The concert will include traditional hymns and contemporary selections performed in four-part harmony.  The concert at Tabor College will include students in their Chamber Voices student ensemble, and students in the Open Road and Woven choirs will be joining us at Bethel College.  The concerts are free with an offering benefiting the global mission support work of Mennonite Central Committee.

  • April 6, 2025, 4:00 PM. Memorial Hall, Bethel College, North Newton, KS.
  • April 13, 2025, 4:00 PM. Richert Auditorium, Tabor College, Hillsboro, KS


CHILDREN’S AUCTION. Consider donating new, in-the-package, items to this year’s auction! Talk with the youth in your church to see what items they would like to bid on, but you can never go wrong with Hot Wheels, Barbie, board games, Lego sets, art kits, and sports equipment. If you wish to volunteer for the auction by clerking or helping in other ways please contact Brad Kohlman

MY COINS COUNT. Each Sunday we will collect coins during our worship service and we will hear stories relating to this year’s focus on food. So keep bringing your coins!! We want to collect a lot of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to help “food” needs around the world. More information at My Coins Count | Mennonite Central Committee

RUN FOR RELIEF. An easy way to support the MCC sale is to sponsor participants in the Run For Relief. Once again, Jean Gaeddert (and perhaps others from our congregation) will be participating. If you would like to sponsor her and support MCC, please make checks out to: KMRS and include “Run For Relief: Jean Gaeddert” in the memo line. You may also donate cash through Jean. Your gift to MCC is greatly appreciated.

VOLUNTEER. There are many opportunities to support the sale by volunteering at one of the venues. The entire list is available at  Volunteer – Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale  Delon will have his laptop on Sunday, March 23, to assist you in signing up. See him in the foyer after the worship service.

BETHEL COLLEGE announcements

Thurs., March 27 – KIPCOR Peace Lecture: A conversation with Sister Barbara McCracken on community, social responsibility and daily faith, 7 p.m.Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. McCracken is a Benedictine from Mount St. Scholastica, Leavenworth, Kan.

Sun., March 30 – Michelle Armster and Heidi Regier Kreider, “The Impact of Immigration on Mennonite Churches Today,” 3 p.m.Kauffman Museum auditorium. This Sunday-Afternoon-at-the-Museum program is in connection to the current special exhibit, “Unlocking the Past: Immigrant Artifacts and the Stories They Tell.” Armster is director of MCC Central States and Regier Kreider is conference minister for Western District Conference of Mennonite Church USA.

Fri., April 4 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Peter Buller, oboe and piano, 7 p.m.Bethel College Mennonite Church

Sat., April 5 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Josué Coy Dick, violin, 7 p.m.,Administration Building chapel


Western District Women in Mission (WDWM) invites women and girls to their annual potluck salad supper on Monday, April 28 at 6 p.m. at the Tabor Mennonite Church. Our theme is “For the Beauty of the Earth.” After the potluck and a meditation on God’s creation, Rebecca Schrag will lead a floral design workshop with flowers provided by Firebranch Farm and other sources. Each participant will make a small bouquet to take home. RSVP appreciated and required by April 15 at our website link: 

Please bring:

  • a salad to share (table service will be provided)
  • a small vessel to make a bouquet (a tea cup is ideal)
  • several flowers from your garden if you have them to share
  • a kitchen or garden shear if you have one
  • an offering will be taken to help cover expenses. 

Questions: Email Follow us on Facebook & Instagram 

CAMP MENNOSCAH announcements

Registration for Men & Boys Retreat, April 4-6, is now available online!  Log in using your Camp Mennoscah account or create one, then scroll down to Start a New Registration. Click Men & Boys Retreat. Registration will also be available upon arrival.

Music and Quilt Auction at The Hub on May 2!  Join Camp Mennoscah from 6-8:30pm for an evening of music, food and fellowship to benefit Camp Mennoscah.  The Hub will donate 10% of all sales on May 2 to Camp Mennoscah.   Musical groups include K81, Queen Jack Jericho, Brett and Caleb Klingenberg, and The Schrag Siblings.  A Camp Mennoscah tee shirt quilt will also be sold through a silent auction.  A picture of the quilt will soon be at  Contact for a bidding from a distance option.  (The Hub, 100 S Christian, Moundridge, KS,

Camp Mennoscah is looking for kitchen helpers and other volunteers to make great camp experiences.  Parents can receive a camper discount up to full camp fees as a kitchen volunteer.  Contact Olivia at or 316-293-7313.

Projects left to do on the HVAC renovation at the Retreat Center!  Work groups can be of any size (within reason).  Contact Olivia at 316-293-7313 to set up a time for you or your group.  If you are interested in working on a weekend, advance notice of two weeks is needed.  A lack of construction skills should not keep you from helping.  Willing hands and the ability to follow directions are the only requirements. (Activities for those under 18 are limited and likely not at the Retreat Center.)   


Mennonite Mission Network has spaces still available for our transformative Just Peace Pilgrimages this summer and fall. Join us on one of these inspiring journeys . . click a heading for information.

Visit or email Stephanie Weaver at

Our March edition of On the Level is now available. In this edition, mourning the passing of Lowell Detweiler, an update on the MDS response to the LA Wildfires, and volunteers build a fire resilient home in British Columbia. Click on this link to read more:

Part-Time Administrative Assistant in our region is open. This person provides administrative support to MDS Region 3 and Units within the region. The complete job description and application are available on our website at


Exciting Summer Internship Opportunities with MCC! Mennonite Central Committee is offering exciting 2025 summer internship opportunities designed to provide hands-on experience while making a meaningful impact. Over the course of 10–12 weeks, interns will gain valuable skills, explore their interests, and contribute to meaningful projects in areas like human resources, historical exhibit development, immigration, climate communications, global service learning, and the sewing room.  Apply Here


Commemorating 500 Years of Anabaptism & Swiss Alps Tour. May 21-31, 2025. Space remains! Preview tour at Contact Weldon Martens at / 402-202-9276 for itinerary, registration and full details.