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Month: September 2022

THIS WEEK @ FMC – September 28-October 4, 2022

26 days!!!  We’ve been planning for over 2 years for our Centennial Celebration and now its right around the corner.  Right around a closer corner is October 1, the date by which we’d like your RSVP’s.  These will be really helpful in planning for the two meals part of the event:  the Saturday evening borscht […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – September 21-27, 2022

High school.  Recycling.  Walking.  Soup.  Perhaps you’re wondering what all these have in common, and if so, I’m glad you asked! 😊  All four represent opportunities in our community just waiting for you to participate in. High school.  I recently met with the Salthawk Community Support administrative board which I’m a member of.  SCS provides […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – September 14, 2022

“But God …”  As I mentioned in my sermon this past Sunday, these two little words always catch my attention in scripture.  They signal God taking initiative, doing something far beyond any human capacity or attempts to control, manipulate, win or prove. We read it in Genesis 8:1 after reading of a flood covering the […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC — September 7-13, 2022

The “Season of Creation”has begun!!  This is a season set aside to encourage Christians around the world to pray for the earth and take action to protect this holy gift we’ve been given.  The season officially began on September 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of the Earth, and ends on October […]

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