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Author: fmc-office

July 13-19, 2022

God makes a way. I have longed believed this, but the past few weeks have given me concrete opportunities to put this belief into practice. Traveling internationally is exhilarating, exhausting, and humbling. Being a foreigner in another country is something we all should experience every now and then.  As foreigners we are reminded the world […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – June 29-July 12,2022

Isaiah 65:17-25 NRSV  For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating; for I am about to create Jerusalem as a joy, and its people as a delight. I will […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC — June 15-28, 2022

Psalm 136   (The Message) 1-3 Thank God! He deserves your thanks.    His love never quits.Thank the God of all gods,    His love never quits.Thank the Lord of all lords.    His love never quits. 4-22 Thank the miracle-working God,    His love never quits.The God whose skill formed the cosmos,    His love never quits.The God who laid out earth on ocean foundations,    His love never quits.The […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – June 8-14, 2022

“There are many heroes of the faith, people we admire and wish to be. However, there are even more ordinary people of faith—those doing what they can with what they have to make a difference. This summer [guided by a worship series created by A Sanctified Art] we’ll dig deep into the bold and untold […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – June 1-7, 2022

Years ago, a Bible School teacher put Romans 12:1-2 before me and it became one of my ‘top 10’ guiding scriptures.  This past weekend, gathered at the MC USA Special Delegate session, I was reminded of the significance of the entirety of this chapter.  I share it today for your reading, listening, and praying (from […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – May 25-31, 2022

Will you pray with and for Mennonite Church USA this weekend as nearly 500 delegates gather in Kansas City?  Your delegates are Pauline Buller and myself, and Micah Wenger as our youth delegate.  Others attending from our church are Delon Martens and Magdalena Wenger, both representing Western District Conference.  We have been learning, discussing and […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – May 18-24, 2022

Paying attention to where God is at work is a life-long, daily, practice.  The prayer of examen is one tool at our fingertips, functioning like a magnifying glass to help us examine our ordinary days for signs of God’s activity and potential re-arranging of our hearts/minds/lives.    The prayer of examen is a traditional Christian […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – May 11-17, 2022

“Open my ears, Lord, to hear You speaking through other people. Open my eyes, Lord, to see you working in other people. Open my heart, Lord, to receive Your help from other people today.” (Lectio 365 Morning Devotion May 10, 2022) One way we hear the voice of God and experience the presence of God […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – May 4-10, 2022

Sunday’s Benediction: May we move into the terms of resurrection, the unknown, with confidence, sureness, and awareness. Steady in our knowing of the promise of new life. May we trust in the unseen, believe in miracles, not needing to see it before believing.  May we make peace with and nurture the process of growth, of […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – April 27-May 3, 2022

“From the hands of your earth and the lap of your sky, your gifts are poured on us each day. Your arms surround us with your care; accept our love and thanks, we pray. Amen, amen, amen.”   (Jean Janzen HWB 97) One of my favorite meal blessings, these words take me back to the kitchen […]

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