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Author: fmc-office

THIS WEEK @ FMC – February 14-20, 2014

“Can we see the face of Christ on a neighbor flying a rainbow flag or wearing a MAGA cap? If you can, you might be a philanthrope. More than financial generosity, philanthropy, broadly defined, is love of people. In the Christian ideal, it’s a love that not only casts others in a positive light but […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – February 7-13,2024

This coming Sunday (February 11) we’ll go ‘up the mountain’ with Jesus, Peter, James and John. This is the last Sunday before Lent takes us on its sacred downward descent of surrender to the cross. It’s a difficult spiritual journey; one we humans still struggle to understand, accept, and surrender to. Our continued confusion resonates […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 31 – February 6, 2024

Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;    sing the glory of his name;    give to him glorious praise.Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!    Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you.All the earth worships you;    they sing praises to you,    sing praises to your name.”    Selah Come and see what God has done:    he is […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 24-29, 2024

Thirteen and a half years we’ve lived in Kansas, and this is the first time I remember snow lasting more than a few days.  Our Kansas-born youngest child (the older 3 were born in Wisconsin) proclaimed this morning how very tired she is of all this snow and ice; how much she is longing for […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 17-23, 2024

As we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. this week, the challenge rises before us to not only read/speak his words, but to join him in dreaming of and putting into action a better world every day of the year.  I was moved by the prayer copied below, written by Martin Luther King, Jr. (source: Martin […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 10-16, 2024

A BLESSING FOR STAR WORDS (written by Rev. Sarah Speed) God of open horizons and open roads,like the Magi so many years ago,we are here, seeking you. Step by step, we have wandered into this hourwith the hope of feeling you in our midst. Step by step, you have seen us, claimed us, and called […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 3-9, 2024

Happy 2024!! This past Sunday I shared a poem written by Minnie Louise Haskins (1875-1957) inviting us to walk through the gate of the new year ‘finding the Hand of God.’  A little google research about Haskins led me to Wikipedia where I discovered there is more to the poem! Here’s the entire poem in […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – December 20, 2023-January 2, 2024

Joy and weariness: two sides of the same coin. Our Advent series this year from A Sanctified Art has invited us to hold space to notice and experience both our weariness, and our joy. “We believe in a God who hears our prayers, who knows the shape and form of our weariness. We believe in […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – December 6-19, 2023

Christmas festivities in Bethlehem have been cancelled this year. Standing in solidarity with brothers and sisters in Gaza who are experiencing unimaginable terror and suffering, Palestinian Christian clergy and leaders are calling for festivities to be replaced with a focus on the spiritual meaning of Christmas. I most recently read of this request for solidarity […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – November 29-December 5, 2023

“How Does a Weary World Rejoice?” (Advent 2023) (Written by the creators at A Sanctified Art) Joy is often a companion to many other emotions. We can feel joy in addition to feeling many other things at once: grief, anticipation, anxiety, excitement, disappointment, exhaustion. Perhaps many of us live with the myth that joy is […]

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