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Author: fmc-office

THIS WEEK @ FMC – November 22, 2023

New every morning is your love, O Lord! Fresh your compassion daily dawns. New every morning is your mercy and grace; you are faithful you are strong. Lord, we thank you for this day!   (text of a song written by Rory Noland) Thanksgiving is the theme of this week.  While I value the invitation of […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – November 15-21, 2023

“It is lovely to know that we are a family united by the Spirit of God, and that despite being spread across the whole world, we can bring our petitions for one another before God,” says Samuel Martínez Leal, Iglesia Evangélica Menonita de El Salvador.  This quote opens an email I received this week from […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – November 8-14, 2023

A Blessing … written by Jan Richardson (Voices Together #1049) Blessed be the ones who dance in the corridors of death, who sing in the hallways of terror, who laugh in the prisons of fear, who shout across the silencing walls, who love beyond the borders of hatred, who live to welcome home freedom, who […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – November 1-7, 2023

November 4 (Saturday) Prayer-Rising for Oak Flat + FMC Church Work Day This invitation comes to us from the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, who we hosted this past summer for their annual meeting.  I’ve been slow in getting this information out, and the event is now THIS SATURDAY! Even though we cannot […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – October 25-31, 2023

A prayer for Palestine and Israel (from Mennonite Central Committee) O God of life and love and peace, We witness the violence and injustice in your Holy Land And our hearts break. Our hearts break for the people of Israel – For the victims of violent attacks by Hamas For those who live in fear […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – October 18-24, 2023

Hear again, to be both strengthened and challenged, by the Benediction Joel Iwashige sent us with this past Sunday (written by Neil and Gerlinde Kennedy-Jones and Andrew M. Seddon, found in the Northumbria Community Celtic Daily Prayer Book 2.): May you always be             a strong arm to the weak; And may you always be […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – October 11-17, 2023

I have found few words to express the despair I am feeling about the current surge of violence in Israel and Palestine.  In times like this I am grateful for the words of others to help us enter into prayer more fully.  The Corrymeela Community in Ireland exists to support people from different backgrounds in […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – October 4-10, 2023

The Lord spoke to Moses, “I have heard the complaining of the Israelites; say to them, ‘At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall have your fill of bread; then you shall know that I am the Lord your God.’ ”  (Exodus 16:11-12) I’m still thinking about the God who listened to these complaining wilderness travelers, […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – September 20-October 3, 2023

The Lord lift you up, the Lord take your hand, the Lord lead you forth, and cause you to stand secure in God’s Word, seeking God’s face, abounding in love, abiding in grace. –Patricia Shelly With gratitude this week for the life of Patty Shelly, who had a significant impact on me when I was […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – September 6-19, 2023

Sunday morning I’ll be traveling to Chicago for the second retreat in the Transforming Community experience I am a part of.  Our retreat begins late Sunday afternoon and concludes around noon on Tuesday.  Thank you for your prayers these past 3 months as I’ve been reading and reflecting, and preparing for the upcoming retreat.  The […]

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