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Author: fmc-office

THIS WEEK @ FMC – March 1-7, 2023

THIS WEEK @ FMC   –  March 1-7, 2023 Still deciding how to focus or structure your Lenten journey this year?  One online devotional resource I enjoy is “Lent Photo A Day” which you can access on Facebook:  or on Instagram: lent_photoaday.  Each day a photo and a word are posted, with an accompanying scripture […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – February 22-28, 2023

As we begin Lent this week with Ash Wednesday (worship @ 6:30pm in FMC basement fellowship hall or on livestream), here’s a beautiful invitation into Lent written by my pastor friend Steve Garnaas-Holmes.  This reflection was sent on Monday (3/20) as part of Steve’s daily meditation ministry, Unfolding Light: Lent Lent is when we go […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – February 15-21, 2023

On the way to school this morning our exchange student from Italy asked questions about ‘who’ Valentine’s Day is for here in the United States?  Is it just about romantic love, or also about friendship and other kinds of love? Its unfortunate that in the English language we only have one word to describe what […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – February 8-14, 2023

  THIS WEEK @ FMC   –  February 8-14, 2023 I look up to the mountains;    does my strength come from mountains?No, my strength comes from God,    who made heaven, and earth, and mountains. He won’t let you stumble,    your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.Not on your life! Israel’s    Guardian will never doze or sleep. God’s your Guardian,    right at your side […]

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February 1-7, 2023

On this last day of January 2023, I offer a short reading from the book Return to the Root: Reflections on the Inner Life by Joyce Rupp (2021 Sorin Books).  This excerpt comes from a longer reflection titled “Worthwhile Resolutions” and is based on Psalm 139… “Holy One, you created me in my mother’s womb. […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 25-31, 2023

Pastor-Congregation Review.  Appreciative Inquiry.  You’ve been hearing and/or reading those words more often recently as we approach the beginning of our “Appreciative Inquiry Pastor-Congregation Review” process.  What exactly does that mean for you, and for us as a congregation? As I’ve come to understand it, a pastor-congregation review is an opportunity to assess and evaluate […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 18-24, 2023

“Never forget the covenant which you voluntarily accepted … Remember that you are risen with Christ Jesus into … the life which is taught by the Gospel.” (Menno Simons – Admonition on Church Discipline) These words are written in rather small cursive script at the very top of a fraktur (according to Wikipedia a fraktur […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 11-17, 2023

“True evangelical faith … cannot lie dormant”  This past Sunday Pastor Jim read for us the entire quote by Menno Simons to help us enter into the worship and sermon series we have begun on the Gospel of Matthew.  In case it went by you too quickly during the sermon, I’ve copied it below for […]

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THIS WEEK @ FMC – January 4-10, 2023

“Think of the year as a house: door flung wide in welcome…”  So begins a beautiful Epiphany prayer written by author, poet, artist Jan Richardson (find more of her work at  I love this invitation and the blessing she has written to unpack the metaphor and invitation even further.  The Year as a House: […]

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December 21, 2022 – January 3, 2023

Merry Christmas to all of you, near and far, in the faith family that makes up First Mennonite Church of Hutchinson KS!!  From generation to generation, God’s fingerprints of love, grace and creativity are all over this congregation, and I am grateful for the privilege of giving witness to “God-with-us” in the past, here and […]

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